Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture. best Practice Catalogue.

Auteur: Interreg Med MADRE
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This Catalogue highlights the best practices identified in the 6 metropolises associated with MADRE, in terms of farmers’ innovation, social innovation, consumer innovation, academic research, territorial innovation and transnational innovation. It aims at: - Mapping the key stakeholders of urban and peri-urban agriculture and connecting them at the Mediterranean level - Identifying the good practices developed and consolidating the knowledge gained - Evaluating the economic, environmental and social performance factors of urban and peri-urban agriculture - Promoting the most relevant and innovative practices and facilitating their replication and adaptation in other territories.

Thème: Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste
Auteur: Interreg Med MADRE
Année: 2018
Type: Reports & Case Studies
Région: Europe
Format de ressource: Document
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