Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

City region food systems in Antananarivo, Madagascar: A sustainable approach to respond to COVID-19 outbreak

Auteur: Carmen Zuleta Ferrari; Vololontsoa Volatiana Razafindratoanina
Publié par: FAO

What are the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the local food system? What measures have been taken to cope with these challenges in regard to the food supply chain? How the CRFS approach can contribute to more resilient food systems?

Thème: Food supply and distribution
Tags: COVID-19, Pandemics, Resilient cities
Organisation: FAO
Auteur: Carmen Zuleta Ferrari; Vololontsoa Volatiana Razafindratoanina
Année: 2020
Type: Articles
City (Pays): Madagascar
Région: Africa
Format de ressource: Document
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