Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

Case Study: Unity College Purchasing Local Meat through Distributors

Auteur: Riley Neugebauer
Publié par: Farm to Institution New England

Unity College shifted a large portion of their meat purchases to local meat products in order to support local Maine farms and the college’s commitment to sustainability, as well as to promote increased transparency around food safety and origin. When compared to conventional meat products offered by some distributors, it was easier to trace the origin of the local products and understand what ingredients went into the final product. The local meat purchases, as a whole, did cost more for the college when compared to the conventional products that were being purchased, but it was determined that there was room for this in the budget and it was supported by the college as a whole.

Thème: Food supply and distribution
Tags: Local economy and employment, Schools, Short chain
Organisation: Farm to Institution New England
Auteur: Riley Neugebauer
Année: 2020
Type: Reports & Case Studies
City (Pays): United States of America
Région: North America
Format de ressource: Document
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