Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

Food Policy Councils - Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 36 –

Auteur: Coll.
Publié par: RUAF Foundation

A growing number of cities and regions are forming Food Policy Councils (FPCs) and similar groups known by other names, such as multi-stakeholder food forums/platforms, food policy networks, food boards, food coalitions, food partnerships, and food labs. As the movement towards inclusive, multi-stakeholder food systems governance for cities and city regions gathers momentum, there is a pressing need to document and systematise experiences of city food systems governance from around the world. In this issue of the UA Magazine, we explore the experiences of FPCs and similar entities, on their approach to inclusiveness, documented impacts, and challenges faced.

Thème: Governance and planning
Tags: Food councils/food boards
Organisation: RUAF Foundation
Auteur: Coll.
Année: 2019
Type: Articles
Région: Global coverage
Format de ressource: Document
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