Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

Spatial and temporal dynamics of croplands in expanding West African cities

Auteur: Karg H, Drechsel P, DittrichN, Cauchois A.
Publié par: Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems

The rapid expansion of cities in West Africa has implications for urban cropland.This study aimed to assess the dynamics of cropland in West African cities overtime and space, to identify key drivers, and to report the effects of changing cropland on farmers and farmers’ resilience strategies. Cities studied were Accra (Ghana), Bamako (Mali), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), and Bamenda (Cameroon). Results showed that the share of urban land covered by cropland differed in these cities, with higher shares in Accra and Bamenda, which included rainfed cultivation. Specifically, this report highlights that the key drivers that influenced the direction of change were: official support of urban farming (or lack thereof), population pressure, and the availability of public open spaces that are not suitable for construction. 

Thème: Food production and ecosystem management
Tags: Food security and nutrition, Rural-urban linkages, Urban and peri-urban agriculture
Organisation: Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems
Auteur: Karg H, Drechsel P, DittrichN, Cauchois A.
Année: 2020
Type: Reports & Case Studies
City (Pays): Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali
Région: Africa
Format de ressource: Document
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