Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City

Автор: Robert Biel
Издатель: UCL Press

Faced with a global threat to food security, it is perfectly possible that society will respond, not by a dystopian disintegration, but rather by reasserting co-operative traditions. This book, by a leading expert in urban agriculture, offers a genuine solution to today’s global food crisis. By contributing more to feeding themselves, cities can allow breathing space for the rural sector to convert to more organic sustainable approaches.

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Тема: Governance and planning
Tег: Climate adaptation, Resilient cities, Urban and peri-urban agriculture
Организация: UCL Press
Автор: Robert Biel
Год: 2016
Tип: Reports & Case Studies
Регион: Global coverage
формат ресурса: Document
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