Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Estimating quantities and types of food waste at city level

Автор: Darby Hoover
Издатель: Natural Resources Defense Council

This first-of-its-kind report by the Natural Resources Defense Council describes the results of a food waste baseline assessment study in three U.S. cities—Denver, Nashville, and New York City—for residential and non-residential sectors, including the industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) sectors. The intent of the study was to characterize the amount of food that is wasted in these cities, identify some of the reasons why the food is going to waste, and then use that data to help inform and inspire initiatives to prevent wasting food, to rescue surplus food to benefit people in need, and to recycle food scraps. Outputs from the study not only include the results of the research, but also templates and descriptions of the methodologies in hopes that this study will contribute to a working model for other cities to perform similar assessments. We also hope the study will help highlight opportunities for municipal policy and program work related to food waste, as well as further future research in consumer behaviors and attitudes.

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Тема: Food loss and waste
Tег: Climate mitigation, Data innovation, Monitor and evaluation, Private-public partnerships, Resilient cities
Организация: Natural Resources Defense Council
Автор: Darby Hoover
Год: 2017
Tип: Methodology and Training Materials
Регион: North America
формат ресурса: Document
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