Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Milan 2015-2020 Food Policy guidelines

Автор: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat
Издатель: Municipality of Milan

In July 2014, the Municipality of Milan and Fondazione Cariplo signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote and implement a comprehensive strategy on food for the city of Milan called Milan Food Policy and promote international dialogue aimed at defining and signing an international pact on urban Food Policies called Milan urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). The MUFPP is the result of a collective effort of 46 cities around the world and an advisory group of institutions and foundations operating internationally. Shared goals were identified with respect to which each signatory undertook to take steps according to its abilities, possibilities and availability. This document entitled “Guiding Principles of the Milan Food Policy 2015- 2020” (hereafter simply “Food Policy”) is the result of a journey that lasted 12 months and was divided into two main phases: Phase 1. Analysis , Phase 2. public consultation.

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Тема: Governance and planning
Tег: Awareness raising, Cooperation, Education, Partnerships, Resilient cities, Rural-urban linkages, Urban and peri-urban agriculture, Waste prevention, Other
Организация: Municipality of Milan
Автор: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat
Год: 2015
Tип: Guidelines
Регион: Global coverage
формат ресурса: Document
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