Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Milan: a comprehensive food policy to tackle food waste

Автор: FAO, EStà, Municipality of Milan
Издатель: FAO

The Municipality of Milan developed a large range of actions to address food waste. These include: 1) a discount on the waste tax in favor of food businesses that donate their food losses to charities, 2) affiliation of school canteens to food banks to distribute surplus, 3) distribution of doggy bags in schools to encourage children to take any food surplus back home, 4) facilitation of the “Local Food Waste Hub”, a system of redistribution of food losses.

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Тема: Food loss and waste
Организация: FAO
Автор: FAO, EStà, Municipality of Milan
Год: 2018
Tип: Reports & Case Studies
City (Страна): Italy
Регион: Europe
формат ресурса: Document
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