Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Porto Alegre: a processing unit to provide the city with organic oil and byproducts

Автор: FAO, EStà, City of Porto Alegre
Издатель: FAO

In Brazil, the City of Porto Alegre supported the implementation of a processing unit to provide the city with organic oil and byproducts. The unit has been launched by “the Metropolitan Agroecology Network” (RAMA) and benefits smallholders using agroecological practices that conserve biodiversity. The unit is based on recycling principles: food waste is returned to rural properties to produce organic meat, milk and eggs.

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Тема: Food production and ecosystem management
Организация: FAO
Автор: FAO, EStà, City of Porto Alegre
Год: 2018
Tип: Reports & Case Studies
City (Страна): Brazil
Регион: Latin America and the Caribbean
формат ресурса: Document
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