Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Methodological guide for the use of prefects and mayors to issue a derogatory decree to open markets, whether covered or not

Автор: Coll.
Издатель: Banque des territoires


This methodological guide of 2 pages shows how to organize the markets, whether they are covered or not, in the context of the lockdown related to Covid-19: Preparation upstream of the organization of the markets; Geographical organization of the market; Organization of the practices of sale and distribution of foodstuffs; Dissemination and posting of the safety instructions; Controls.

Также имеется в наличии в: Français Español 中文 العربية Русский
Тема: Food supply and distribution
Tег: COVID-19, Markets, Pandemics
Организация: Banque des territoires
Автор: Coll.
Год: 2020
Tип: Guidelines
City (Страна): France
Регион: Europe
формат ресурса: Document
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