Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Quito’s Resilient Agrifood System

Автор: Jácome-Pólit, D, Paredes, D, Santandreu, A, Rodríguez Dueñas, A, Pinto, N
Издатель: ISOCARP Review 15

The Resilience Strategy of the Metropolitan District of Quito (released in October 2017) proposed building urban resilience with several actions, among them, placing food economy as one of the main pillars. As a result, a Multi-Actor Platform, called the Agri-Food Pact of Quito (PAQ) was assembled consisting of members from the private and public sectors, academia, civic society organisations, and cooperation agencies. This group proposed the signing of an Agri-food Letter of Quito, in October 2018 and worked on a sustainability plan for the Eco-Agrifood system of Quito as an input to the city’s food policy. Today the city of Quito is dependent, vulnerable and diverse. This article is part of an ongoing work that identifies the main agents of the Eco-Agrifood System of Quito and its vulnerabilities and strengths from a systemic point of view. The analysis takes into account the factors that contribute to food security and to its natural and anthropogenic threats. It also recognises the characteristics of the population that exacerbate vulnerabilities, in addition to factors such as climate change that amplify threats. As a result of this analysis, general strategies are proposed to form a comprehensive food resilience plan for the city of Quito.

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Тема: Governance and planning
Организация: ISOCARP Review 15
Автор: Jácome-Pólit, D, Paredes, D, Santandreu, A, Rodríguez Dueñas, A, Pinto, N
Год: 2019
Tип: Reports & Case Studies
City (Страна): Ecuador
Регион: Latin America and the Caribbean
формат ресурса: Document
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