Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Informal food vendors and their role in the food and nutrition security of low-income workers in Bandung City, Indonesia

Автор: Ronnie S Natawidjaja; Hepi Hapsari; Dindin Makhmudin; Irlan A Rum; Hanny Sulistyoningrum; William Vorle
Издатель: RUAF - Padjadjaran University

Research report on informal food vendors and their role in the food and nutrition security of low-income workers in Bandung City, Indonesia. The role of street vendors and informal food provision in urban food security of the working poor has largely been overlooked. This research, conducted by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and Hivos, set out to fill that gap.

Также имеется в наличии в: Français Español 中文 العربية Русский
Тема: Food supply and distribution
Tег: Informal sector
Организация: RUAF - Padjadjaran University
Автор: Ronnie S Natawidjaja; Hepi Hapsari; Dindin Makhmudin; Irlan A Rum; Hanny Sulistyoningrum; William Vorle
Год: 2019
Tип: Academic Literature
City (Страна): Indonesia
Регион: Asia and the Pacific
формат ресурса: Document
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