Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

Urbanization, Diet Change, and Transformation of food supply chains in Asia

Автор: Coll.
Издатель: Michigan State University, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation

A lot has been written in recent years about technological change on Asia’s farms and the enabling context for that technological transformation, in the development of agricultural factor markets (such as land, variable input, and credit markets), in the “upstream segment” of the food supply chain. This report, instead, is focused on urbanizazion, diet diversification, and the (correlated) transformation of the midstream (processing, wholesale, logistics) and downstream (retail, restaurants and other "food away from home" suppliers) segments of the food supply chains in Asia. It also brings together substantial new and reviewed evidence of the ongoing rapid transformation.

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Тема: Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution
Tег: Food system analysis, Rural-urban linkages, Urbanization and rural-transformation
Организация: Michigan State University, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation
Автор: Coll.
Год: 2014
Tип: Reports & Case Studies
Регион: Asia and the Pacific
формат ресурса: Document
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