
Consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions of C40 cities

撰稿人: C40
出版社: C40

This report presents the methodology and results of a study investigating the consumption based greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from 79 cities, carried out by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) in partnership with the University of Leeds (United Kingdom), the University of New South Wales (Australia), and Arup. Consumption-based GHG accounting is an alternative to the sector-based approach to measuring city GHG emissions. This focuses on the consumption of goods and services (such as food, clothing, electronic equipment, etc.) by residents of a city, and GHG emissions are reported by consumption category rather than GHG emission source category. Climate adaptation|Climate mitigation|Food system analysis|Monitor and evaluation

主题: Governance and planning
组织机构: C40
撰稿人: C40
年份: 2018
种类: Reports & Case Studies
地区: Global coverage
資源格式: Document
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