
Milan Pact Talk - Covid19 Food aid systems - Sao Paulo, Milan, Barcelona, Washington DC

撰稿人: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat
出版社: MUFPP - Milan Urban Food Policy Pact

This Milan Pact Talk had the aim to share experiences among cities that have taken initiatives to address the impact of Coronavirus on food security. São Paulo, Milan, Barcellona, and Washington DC tell us what these cities have implemented to face food insecurity during the Covid19 crisis through their food systems.

主题: Governance and planning, Food supply and distribution
标签: COVID-19, Food safety
组织机构: MUFPP - Milan Urban Food Policy Pact
撰稿人: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat
年份: 2020
种类: Local Policies
City (国家): Brazil, Italy, Spain, United States of America
地区: Global coverage
資源格式: Video
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