Urban Food Agenda

Urban Food Systems Actions

Innovative and integrated food systems actions identified, promoted and piloted

A call for mini-grants has been organized by Nairobi and Kisumu County to support the small and micro-enterprises already involved in food systems activities for expanding or improving their capacity and performance. The eligibility criteria and the areas of actions was based on the knowledge collected through FLAG. A total of 27 beneficiaries have been identified (12 in Nairobi and 15 in Kisumu) to benefit from the grants.  The beneficiaries are groups engaged in innovative food system activities cutting across urban agriculture, processing production and online marketing of fingerlings, training and community engagement, food waste management and food distribution.

The sustainability of the promoted mini-grant mechanism and of the selected food systems innovative actions will be achieved through the involvement of the decentralized extension agents who will support in monitoring and backstopping the the activities of the identified grant beneficiaries.

This thematic area involves the following activities:

  • Supporting Nairobi County and Kisumu County to develop the guidelines, managing the call and the selection process for food systems mini-grants.
  • Supporting Nairobi County and Kisumu County, and associated extension services, on guiding, monitoring and backstopping the implementation of the selected innovative food systems actions.
  • Facilitating the capacity building of the agriculture extension agents on issues related to the food systems actions (including mini-grants).