Urban Food Agenda

9 June 2022 | Food Lab Workshop, Kenya


Thursday 9 June - 10 AM (EAT)

Virtual Food Lab Workshop on multi-level Goverance in Kenya - Strategies for streamlining multi-level food system governance between local and national government in Kenya



10 - 10.30 | Welcome & introductory remarks

  • Welcome & introductory remarks, ICLEI Africa
  • Official opening of the dialogue and reflection on the post summit processes, FAO Kenya
  • Welcome note from national government and presentation on the national food systems pathway, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

10.30 - 11.35 | Setting the scene

  • Understanding Multi-level Food System Governance, Daniel Adeniyi, ICLEI Africa
  • Nairobi food system governance journey, Nairobi county official
  • Kisumu food system governance journey, Kisumu county official
  • Q&A

11.35 - 12.05 | Facilitated break out discussions around key questions, Facilitators from ICLEI, FAO and identified local organisations

12.05 - 12.25 | Report back to plenaryFacilitators/participants of breakout rooms

12.25 - 12.40 | Concluding Remarks, FAO Kenya - National government representative - Local government representative

12.40 - 12.45 | Workshop closing, ICLEI Africa