FAO in Viet Nam

FAO storytelling/photo essay contest on Antimicrobial Resistance


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a storytelling/photo essay contest to raise awareness about the importance of good production practices at the farm that contributes to mitigating the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It also aims to raise awareness on the risk of using antimicrobials such as antibiotics and risk of irresponsible use, which may lead to AMR.

FAO wishes to engage the general public in an international effort to mitigate AMR by showcasing genuine stories based on the theme. Contestants are invited to submit stories with photographs from around Asia and the Pacific, which illustrate how good practices contribute to prudent use of antimicrobials, such as antibiotics, in farms.

The contest will be judged by FAO staff and identified stakeholders. In Viet Nam, the best three storytelling/photo essay will be awarded with prizes consisting of merchandizes and certificates. A regional winner will be selected from winners at the country level with a prize of trip to the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific to witness the opening of the Antibiotic Awareness Week Celebrations.

Outstanding storytelling/photo essays will be featured in FAO communication materials and social media channels.

The deadline to submit photos to the contest is 13 October. Please read the contest mechanism for more details. Contestants must accept the rules and conditions of the contest to qualify.