FAO in Viet Nam

Free Open Online Course on Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) using CSPro Android or Survey Solutions


The ADB /FAO-RAP Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) using CSPro Android or Survey Solutions started this week (registration is open till early July), and is equally applicable to telephone based surveys under COVID-19. In fact the optional capstone project digitizes the World Bank COVID-19 assessment questionnaire, which includes FIES and modules on food consumption.

If you are interested in registering for this free course, please go to  https://adbx.online.

• When you arrive at the page, click “Register” to make a new account or “Sign in” if you have an account from the previous round (see screenshot below).
• Once you a log in, click on the course you wish to take (CSPro, or Survey Solutions – June 15 version), and click enroll to start the course.

Course Synopsis:

• This is a free, innovative 6 week course in which you learn to develop and digitize a questionnaire and manage data collection, processing and tabulation using either the US Census Bureaus’ CSPro or the World Bank’s Survey Solutions software. 
• Training is via video lectures (with subtitles), interactive training modules and tutorials, personalized instruction, quizzes and an optional COVID-19 capstone project.
• It takes 3 to 5 hours/weeks, students set their own hours and pace, and accelerate if they wish. Support is provided by the instructor and community teaching assistants.
• Certificates of completion are provided to students who achieve a score of 75% or more on the quizzes.  The optional capstone project digitizes a World Bank COVID-19 assessment questionnaire. Adapting this to a telephone interview is relatively simple.