FAO in Viet Nam

Supporting Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)


Ha Long, Quang Ninh province. Investments in agriculture are one of the most effective strategies to achieve food security and better nutrition for all, especially in a context where population growth, rising incomes, and urbanization are driving up food demand and shifting dietary patterns, as is the case for ASEAN countries. However, investments can also have negative social and environmental impacts if community needs and environmental factors are not carefully considered. How can government entities at country level promote and ensure socially, financially and environmentally responsible investments in the agriculture and forestry sectors that benefit investors, local communities and the environment?

With financial and technical support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and in collaboration with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the Information Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development (“AGROINFO”) of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development ("IPSARD") of Viet Nam has organized a 3-day workshop on "Learning and alignment assessment validation on the ASEAN guidelines on promoting responsible investment in food, agriculture and forestry in Vietnam (ASEAN RAI)" from March 29 to 31, 2023 in Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province. Participants included 24 senior officials from relevant departments and institutions of MARD, Ministry of Environment and Natural resources (MONRE), Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social affairs (MOLISA).

The workshop aimed to increase knowledge among government agencies about the 10 principles of the ASEAN RAI and complete the country’s self-assessment related to the degree of alignment of Vietnam's legal and policy framework with each guideline. Discussions among different government representatives identified gaps that need to be addressed, analyzing possible solutions and including steps required to promote responsible investment in agriculture, forestry, and food sector in practice.

The ASEAN-RAI were adopted by ASEAN Member States in 2018 and are based on the Committee on World Food Security’s Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems. They were developed through a comprehensive approach, with multi-stakeholder engagement and support from the ASEAN Secretariat, FAO, Grow Asia and IISD. The ASEAN RAI aim to promote responsible investments in food, agriculture, and forestry sector in the ASEAN countries, contributing to regional economic development, food security, food safety and better nutrition, equitable benefits, as well as sustainable use of natural resources.

To support the implementation of ASEAN RAI, a 10 year Action Plan which aims to increase private investors’ adoption and uptake of ASEAN RAI, integrate ASEAN RAI into national policy frameworks, and empower stakeholders with knowledge to ensure investments are made responsibly at the local level is currently being implemented, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

As part of this Action Plan, an Alignment Assessment Tool was developed to help ASEAN countries determine the alignment of their legal frameworks, policies, and institutions with ASEAN RAI. The tool also helps to identify policy gaps and prioritize policy actions for better implementation of ASEAN RAI. In Vietnam, the International Cooperation Department (ICD) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) coordinates the implementation of this assessment process with support from AGROINFO/ IPSARD.