FAO in Viet Nam

Launching Workshop of NAMA Working Group in Agriculture


In March 2014, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) approved the project "Enhancing NAMA Readiness: Building Capacity in Integrated Food and Energy System in Viet Nam", supported by FAO. The project includes the establishment of NAMA Working Group in Agriculture for strengthening technical capacity and awareness of the staffs within the Ministry and institutes, and improving coordination on collection and sharing of data for NAMA development in Agriculture.

Today, the launching of NAMA working group for agriculture is a significant movement towards coordinated action for NAMA development and implementation in the sector. Several NAMA proposals are currently being prepared in the country across various sectors, even cross-cutting areas of agriculture and rural development. “I believe such effort in agriculture NAMA development can be best formulated by the knowledge and programmes accumulated in the agriculture sector itself”, said by Mr. JongHa Bae, FAO Representative in Viet Nam.

Attending the launching workshop are representatives from International Organizations in Ha noi, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Naturral Resources and Environment; Ministry of Industry and Commercial; Ministry of Planing and Investment,  National and international scientists and consultants from different institutions.