FAO in Viet Nam

World Food Day 2014 Celebration in Viet Nam


Quang Ninh, Viet Nam. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrates the 34th World Food Day and 69th Anniversary of the founding of FAO (16 October 1945) in Hong Phong Commune, Dong Trieu District, Quang Ninh province. The theme for World Food Day 2014 is “Family Farming: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth.”

The theme is especially important to a country like Viet Nam, as family farmers are an important part of the solution to challenges many face - to sustainably increase food production and end hunger. In many regions of Viet Nam family farmers encompass small-scale fishers, indigenous communities and wood gatherers. They are not just the main producers of fresh food, they are also central to food supply chains such as milk, poultry and pig production... Often, they run diverse multi-cropping agricultural systems. And they preserve the world’s biodiversity and recover traditional crops. In Viet Nam and throughout the world, family farmers play a crucial socio-economic, environmental and cultural role which needs to be strengthened through innovation. Many family farmers, especially subsistence producers, are among the 70 percent of the world’s food insecure population that lives in rural areas. FAO believes that with the right kind of support, all family farmers can fulfill their potential.

“As we rapidly approach the deadline of the Millennium Development Goals, we are also working together to forge the sustainable, hunger-free future we want. Family farmers are protagonists in this effort,” said José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director General.

It is noteworthy to acknowledge that in the joint efforts to promote environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economic growth, women deserve special attention.  They play a crucial role to ensuring adequate nutrition in families. With that in mind, the World Food Day this year in Viet Nam is co-organized by FAO, UN Women, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and Quang Ninh People’s Committee. The World Food Day ceremony is in a commune, typical of many found in Viet Nam, where family farming plays an important role with the active involvement of women farmers bringing the message “Family farming  nourishing the world” to life.

The Vice Minister of MARD, Mr. Le Quoc Doanh has said “In order to successfully carry out the Restructuring Programme on Agricultural Sector, it is needed to strengthen the roles of family farming – a smallest production unit – making it suitable with specific local conditions and pay attention to women famers –who are actively involved in family farming and providing food security and nutrition”.

To further celebrate World Food Day, the winners of the National Story Competition on “The Role of Women on Family Farming” will receive their awards and commune residents will perform various activities such as local art performances, cooking competition, introducing of specialty rice varieties in the commune.

“As you know, female farmers in Viet Nam has contributed significantly to family farming and food security of the country, as well as worked hard to adapt new farming techniques in response to climate change,” said JongHa Bae, FAO Representative in Viet Nam.

This year, UN Women in Viet Nam is jointly celebrating the World Food Day and a policy brief on rural women will be launched at the event.

Mr. JongHa Bae, FAO Representative in Viet Nam; Ms. Shoko Ishikawa, UN Women Country Representative in Viet Nam; Mr. Le Quoc Doanh, Vice Minister of MARD, Leaders of Quang Ninh Province and Viet Nam’s Women’s Union, Government Agencies, farmers and mass media will also join this event.