FAO in Viet Nam

Meet Mr. Thuoc, the longest serving staff in FAO Viet Nam


Interview to Mr. Thuoc.

Q. Hello Mr. Thuoc, could you give a brief introduction of yourself?
A. I am the administrative assistant for FAO Viet Nam and I have been working with FAO since it opened its doors in Viet Nam.

Q. How long have you been working with FAO Viet Nam?
A. 36 years. I started as a driver for FAO Viet Nam in 1979. Before, I was in the army in 1972 and after worked in the trade Union before coming to FAO Viet Nam.

Q. 36 years, that's a very long time. Could you describe the situation in Viet Nam at that time, how was it like 3 years after the war?
A. Vietnam was at its difficult time right after the war. There were several UN agencies, and as it had poor infrastructure, most UN agencies were located in big hotels. There were only 4 big hotels in Hanoi and FAO and UNDP were located in a hotel which is currently known to be the historical Metropole hotel. At FAO, we were 6 in total at that time. 3 international staff: 1 FAO Representative, 1 Program Officer, and 1 Administration Officer, and 3 national staff members including me.

Q. Before FAO came into the country, how were food related issues dealt in the country?
A. Before United Nations started implementing projects in Viet Nam, we used to get food support from the Soviet Union network. Soviet Union and Eastern Germany helped the distribution and transportation of food to remote areas. Right after the war the United Nations came into the country and World Food Programme (WFP) did a great job in relieving the immediate food shortage problems, distributing bread and milk throughout the country.

Q. Do you remember any big projects FAO implemented?
A. There was an 8million USD project building agriculture infrastructure and institutes and providing agriculture equipment to the country. 8million dollar is still a big amount of money these days, but considering it was 30 years ago, it was a very big project.

Q. What was the most memorable moment in FAO Viet Nam for you?
A. Whenever we would go to the field, everyone would notice FAO and welcome us. We were more popular than other aid organizations and people would actually cheer for us when we passed by in our Toyota car with FAO logo. FAO projects were that big, and were really stretched out to the community level. For another event I remember is that, around 1984, there was a huge flood in Ha Noi and all international staff members had to escape and stay in a diplomatic compound. Cars were under water and the water level would reach up to my chest. At that time, I had to go through the deep water and deliver them food, water, and also an oil cooker! I had to do that for a week.

Q. You've spent most of your adult life with FAO, how do you feel like aging with FAO Viet Nam?
A. I am very happy to have spent my time with FAO and look forward to continue. I met so many amazing people till today, who are all hard working and very devoted to their work and have responsibility to make a positive difference.

Q. Lastly, can you describe FAO in one word?
A. Excellence! Best colleagues, amazing teamwork, and a respectable organizational culture!