FAO in Viet Nam

The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly adopts resolution on responsible investment in food, agriculture and forestry


A Resolution on “Encouraging the Application of the ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry Sectors” was adopted during the 44th General Assembly of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), held on 5-11 August in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Resolution, sponsored by Viet Nam, calls upon AIPA Member Parliaments to support the application of the ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ASEAN RAI) in order to drive sustainable economic growth and achieve food and nutrition security in the region.

ASEAN Member States and AIPA Member Parliaments are encouraged to work together, starting with the assessment and development of appropriate legal, policy and institutional frameworks to attract more and better investments. Parliaments and governments are also encouraged to collaborate with civil society and the private sector.

“A fundamental vehicle to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda are responsible investments in the transformation of agri-food systems, also focusing on the small-holder family farmers who produce 80 percent of the food in Asia and the Pacific”, said the FAO Representative in Indonesia, Mr Rajendra Aryal, who participated in the meeting to reiterate FAO's commitment to foster regional cooperation and advance sustainable development in the ASEAN region.

To further assist ASEAN parliamentarians in carrying out their role under the ASEAN RAI, FAO and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), in collaboration with AIPA, published the handbook “Promoting the application of the ASEAN Guidelines for Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry” which provides practical guidance and examples of relevant legislation.

With technical support from IISD and FAO, some ASEAN Member States have already started using the ASEAN RAI Alignment Assessment Tool to assess the coherence of their national laws, policies, and institutions with the ASEAN RAI.