FAO in Viet Nam

Policy coherence supporting agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam


FAO launched the new policy brief supporting agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam.

The coordination of multiple stakeholders and promotion of policy coherence is contributing to Viet Nam’s transition towards more sustainable agrifood systems. A new brief, entitled Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam, developed by FAO, highlights some of the country’s policy processes and good practices around agrifood policymaking.

A key learning of the brief deals with the effectiveness of Viet Nam’s agrifood policies, where policy coherence, a key ingredient of the systems approach, is seen as a priority element in the reduction of overlaps and regulatory duplication. The brief also highlights the value of multistakeholder engagement to build a common vision and support the implementation of on-the-ground actions.

By providing examples of specific initiatives, such as the National Action Plan on Food Systems Transformation, the brief encourages policymakers from Viet Nam – and beyond – to look at systemic priorities beyond their sectoral boundaries, therefore enabling more effective and efficient policy outcomes.

The full document can be accessed here