FAO in Viet Nam

FAO and UNESCO signed a Joint Letter of Partnership at the country level


The FAO Conference and the UNESCO Executive Board first signed a framework agreement in 1949. For the past 75 years, our two Organizations have worked to shape future societies through reinforcing the nexus between the sciences, education, culture, food, agriculture and health which we see as vital to the challenges faced by humankind. The global Memorandum of Understanding signed between FAO and UNESCO in 2018 and renewed in 2023 has reinforced our collaboration at the global level and supported the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals at the country level.

Building on the global MoU, FAO and UNESCO agree to enhance their collaboration in Viet Nam leveraging the comparative advantages and good practices of each agency, and to structure the partnership around the United Nations Development System reform process and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Vietnam (2022-2026), while taking into account relevant government strategies and commitments. Specifically, we agree to work together to:

- Strengthen cooperation between the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme and FAO's Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme in Vietnam;
- Promote biodiversity, ecosystem restoration and conservation through joint convening of policy dialogues and workshops on biodiversity, ecosystem conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Vietnam;
- Promote climate-resilience and water security notably through the co-organization of workshops in Vietnam;
- Promote gender equality in the sciences and in environmental resource (including water management);
- Collaborate to implement the Global Environment Facilities (GEF) funded project “Enhancing sustainability of the Transboundary Cambodia – Mekong River Delta Aquifer” during 2024 - 2028 (through the UN2UN Agreement between FAO and UNESCO signed in January 2024);
- Elaborate, as appropriate, joint project proposals in the areas of, inter alia, water resource management, biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources.

The signing ceremony takes place today in the One UN Green House Building, taking advantage of the visit to Vietnam by UNESCO's Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, Ms. Lidia Brito.