FAO in Viet Nam
The FAO Conference and the UNESCO Executive Board first signed a framework agreement in 1949....
Hanoi, Viet Nam. Everyone in Viet Nam must join hands against antimicrobial resistance, say officials With...
An Giang Province. Viet Nam. FAO ECTAD Viet Nam and Cambodia, IOM and GDPM, Viet Nam...
FAO launched the new policy brief supporting agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam. The coordination of...

Food and Nutrition Division (ESN), FAO is organizing the Virtual seminar for public to discuss the topic “nutrition and health potential of geographical indication food products” on 22 April 2021.

Geographical Indication (GI) food products have a strong link with traditional...

In 2020, the Viet Nam rubber industry contributed an estimated USD 7.86 billion to the Vietnamese economy. Smallholder rubberwood producers manage more than half of Viet Nam’s rubber plantations; approximately 260 000 households harvest upwards of 1.3 million cubic meters...

The Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity (GSOBI21) ‘Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity’ will be held virtual from 19-22 April 2021.

It is jointly organized by the UN FAO and its Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical...

Open and transparent food commodity markets and efficient supply chains are paramount to ensure that everyone has access to adequate, safe and nutritious food during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said today at the opening of...

Stepping up communication to increase demand for legal timber on the domestic market

Consumer demand for high-value tropical hardwood products in Viet Nam has driven the illegal harvesting and import of endangered timber species from high-risk sources, presenting a...