FAO in Viet Nam
The FAO Conference and the UNESCO Executive Board first signed a framework agreement in 1949....
Hanoi, Viet Nam. Everyone in Viet Nam must join hands against antimicrobial resistance, say officials With...
An Giang Province. Viet Nam. FAO ECTAD Viet Nam and Cambodia, IOM and GDPM, Viet Nam...
FAO launched the new policy brief supporting agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam. The coordination of...

Global Zero Hunger  Challenge

The Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC) was launched by the United Nations Secretary-General at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil in June 2012. It called on all societies in the world to join forces...

Interview to Mr. Thuoc.

Q. Hello Mr. Thuoc, could you give a brief introduction of yourself?
A. I am the administrative assistant for FAO Viet Nam and I have been working with FAO since it opened its doors in Viet Nam.


United in the fight against hunger

When FAO carried out its fourth World Food Survey in 1977 on the state of hunger and malnutrition in the world, the overall picture was grim: 10 percent to 15 percent of people...

With the fast economic growth expanding the urban population in Viet Nam, demand for food has been increasing in a fast pace in the recent years. Poultry has been an important source of animal protein, approximately 4,650,000kg poultry meat being...

What is World Food Day?  World Food Day is a day to raise awareness and declare people's commitment to eradicate hunger in the world. It was founded by the Food and Agriculture Organization on October 16th, 1945 and...