FAO in Viet Nam
The FAO Conference and the UNESCO Executive Board first signed a framework agreement in 1949....
Hanoi, Viet Nam. Everyone in Viet Nam must join hands against antimicrobial resistance, say officials With...
An Giang Province. Viet Nam. FAO ECTAD Viet Nam and Cambodia, IOM and GDPM, Viet Nam...
FAO launched the new policy brief supporting agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam. The coordination of...

Viet Nam is one of the eight UN Delivering as One (DaO) pilot countries which supports a close working relationship among UN partners.  And within the UN Viet Nam One Plan and specifically the Health Joint Planning Group (JPG), the...

An inception workshop today in Ha Noi has kicked-off a FAO-supported project to develop a well-functioning livestock monitoring system in Viet Nam.

The project “Development of a livestock policy analysis and monitoring system in Vietnam”, also supported by the...

Ha Noi,  Viet Nam has taken one step towards developing integrated food-energy systems (IFES) through enhanced nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) following a FAO-supported workshop in Ha Noi today.

Co-hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD),...

At the opening of the third One Health Conference here in Ha Noi, the UN recognized One Health (OH) accomplishments that Viet Nam has achieved to-date, but also emphasized on a long road ahead for Viet Nam to become a...

Ha Noi, Viet Nam – Creating new livelihood opportunities for the rural population in Viet Nam was the focus of a conference held today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Institute of Policy and...