FAO in Viet Nam

Projects List

Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)

TCP/VIE/3802 : Support for development of National Strategy and Action Plan for Integrated Plant Health Management

TCP/VIE/3802 : Support for development of National Strategy and Action Plan for Integrated Plant Health Management

The Project was designed to support development and roll-out of a National Plant Health Strategy (NPHS) and the National Plan for Integrated Plant Health Management (NP-IPHM) 2021-2025. Under the project framework, FAO will provide technical assistance to review the NP-IPHM 2015-2020; analyze and stock-take relevant global frameworks and approaches as well as models and best practices on Plant Health and pest and disease management. It is expected that the NPHS and NP-IPHM would help address comprehensively and sytemically transboundary pest and disease management/pest risks in the context of climate change and global trade integration; integration of plant health, plant nutrition, food safety, quality and nutrition; integration of social protection and inclusive growth (e.g. pro-poor, woman and youth empowerment and inclusiveness); comply with and contribute to environment protection, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation; and attribute to increased competitiveness of Vietnamese agriculture in domestic and global markets

TCP/VIE/3803 : Support for the implementation of National Action Plan on Zero Hunger

TCP/VIE/3803 : Support for the implementation of National Action Plan on Zero Hunger

Under the framework of the Project TCP/VIE/3604, FAO provided technical support to implement a nutrition sensitive agriculture component of the ZH-NAP. 

TCP/VIE/3901 : Support for development of national soil health strategy and action plan”

TCP/VIE/3901 : Support for development of national soil health strategy and action plan”

The project is designed with primary purpose to support development and roll-out of a National Soil Health Strategy (NSHS) and the National Plan for Soil Health Management (NP-SHM) 2022-2026, which will contribute to an agroecological and sustainable transformation of Viet Nam’s food systems. 

Under this Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) framework, FAO will provide technical assistance to review the NP-SHM 2010-2020; Objective of the project is to increase food security, biodiversity, and environment sustainability through enhancing the national soil health, sustainable land management systems.

TCP/VIE/3902 : Support to low-carbon, green, sustainable, responsible and transparent transformation of food systems

TCP/VIE/3902 : Support to low-carbon, green, sustainable, responsible and transparent transformation of food systems

To formulate and roll out marketing strategy contributing to SSARD and NAP-FST.

Impact: Systemic transformation of Vietnamese food systems to increase incomes, provide better livelihoods and reduce poverty, increase food security, improve environmental sustainability as well as resilience to disasters, climate change and other threats.

TCP/VIE/3903/C1 : Support to development of marketing strategy for Vietnam`s agri-food products

TCP/VIE/3903/C1 : Support to development of marketing strategy for Vietnam`s agri-food products

To formulate and roll out marketing strategy contributing to SSARD and NAP-FST.

TCP/RAS/3902 : Building capacities and enhancing regional collaboration to manage increasing water scarcity in the Asia Pacific

TCP/RAS/3902 : Building capacities and enhancing regional collaboration to manage increasing water scarcity in the Asia Pacific

Impact: Agricultural water use is managed sustainably and productively through clear, transparent, and accurate water accounting and associated coherent water allocation policy and processes, contributing to food security, resilient rural livelihoods, and well-being across the Asia Pacific, achieving SDGs 2 and 6

TCP/RAS/3903 : Strengthening capacity of policy makers to mobilize investment for resilient and low emission agrifood systems in Asia under Article 6 of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement

TCP/RAS/3903 : Strengthening capacity of policy makers to mobilize investment for resilient and low emission agrifood systems in Asia under Article 6 of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement

Impact: Strengthened capacity to implement SDG 13 and related climate action to support resilient and low emission agrifood systems through awareness raising and capacity building to access opportunities under Article 6 and scaling up investments for resilient and low-emissions agrifood systems.

TCP/RAS/3906 : Accelerating rice-based agri-food systems transformation for better sustainability, profitability and inclusiveness through promoting the adoption and upscaling of mechanized ratooning rice system

TCP/RAS/3906 : Accelerating rice-based agri-food systems transformation for better sustainability, profitability and inclusiveness through promoting the adoption and upscaling of mechanized ratooning rice system

The objective of the project is to enhance capacity on the good practices in mechanized ratoon rice to maximize its environmental and socioeconomic benefits for its promotion and upscaling, accelerating the transformation of rice-based agri-food systems in the region.

TCP/RAS/3907 : Strengthening the capacities of Government counterparts and relevant stakeholders for increasing productivity and building climate resilient agriculture through nature-based solutions in Asia

TCP/RAS/3907 : Strengthening the capacities of Government counterparts and relevant stakeholders for increasing productivity and building climate resilient agriculture through nature-based solutions in Asia

The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the participating countries to upscale and adopt nature-based crop protection solutions and good practices for more efficient, resilient, and sustainable green food systems.

TCP/RAS/4001: Emergency support to control and manage Banana Fusarium Wilt (Tropical Race 4 -TR4) in Bangladesh, Nepal and Vietnam

TCP/RAS/4001: Emergency support to control and manage Banana Fusarium Wilt (Tropical Race 4 -TR4) in Bangladesh, Nepal and Vietnam

The objective of the project is to improve resilience of banana production in Nepal, Bangladesh, and Vietnam

TCP/INT/3905 : Strengthening country capacities to enable forest-based contributions to healthy and sustainable agrifood systems

TCP/INT/3905 : Strengthening country capacities to enable forest-based contributions to healthy and sustainable agrifood systems

Objective of the project is : Government capacities strengthened and institutionalized to support interventions and mobilize resources towards enhancing forest-sector contributions to healthy and sustainable food systems.

Trust Fund

GCP /VIE/11350P/GFF : Addressing marine hypoxia in the South China Sea Large Marine Ecosystem by reducing land-based pollution in the Red River Delta, Vietnam (PPG)

GCP /VIE/11350P/GFF : Addressing marine hypoxia in the South China Sea Large Marine Ecosystem by reducing land-based pollution in the Red River Delta, Vietnam (PPG)

The objective of the project is to address eutrophication-induced hypoxia in the Gulf of Tonkin, SCSLME, by reducing land-based nutrient rich pollution from domestic wastewater, industry and agriculture in the Red River Delta, Vietnam.

GCP /VIE/11131P/GFF : Integrated water resources management and ecosystem restoration in Viet Nam Red River basin (PPG)

GCP /VIE/11131P/GFF : Integrated water resources management and ecosystem restoration in Viet Nam Red River basin (PPG)

The project's objective is to apply integrated water resources management and ecosystem restoration approaches in the Red River basin to enhance water security, reverse ecosystem degradation, sustain and enhance biodiversity and improve livelihood resilience. The four core components of the project are as follows: 1) Improving the enabling environment (policy and financing) for integrated ecosystem restoration by enhancing water security; 2) Design and implementation of ecosystem restoration accompanied by incentive mechanisms that stimulate investment to create jobs, secure the livelihoods of local communities and assure long-term change; and 3) Capacity building and knowledge dissemination; 4) Monitoring and evaluation.

GCP /VIE/004/EC : Smart Agro-ecological Transformation of Farming Systems towards Resilience and Sustainability in Middle and Coastal Zones of the Viet Nam Mekong Delta (STAR-FARM)

GCP /VIE/004/EC : Smart Agro-ecological Transformation of Farming Systems towards Resilience and Sustainability in Middle and Coastal Zones of the Viet Nam Mekong Delta (STAR-FARM)

The project aims to strengthen farmer institutions and skills. It also envisions to strengthen partnership between public and private sector and mainstream successful measures through policies engagement.

Facilitated Smart Agroecological Transformation of Agri-food Farming Systems (STAS) of the VMD and strengthened resilience to climate change, environmental degradation and other external shocks

GCP /VIE/002/GFF : Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam (ISLM)

GCP /VIE/002/GFF : Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam (ISLM)

The project aims to support the transformation of rice dominated landscapes in the Mekong Delta towards sustainable, adaptive and resilient models of production and landscape management that deliver multiple environmental and social benefits.

To incentivize scaling up of proven best practices and innovations for sustainable and inclusive rice-based production landscapes to generate a range of global environmental and livelihood benefits.

GCP /RAS/397/GCR : Vietnam Agriculture Sector Readiness for enhanced climate finance and implementation of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture priorities in Southeast Asia

GCP /RAS/397/GCR : Vietnam Agriculture Sector Readiness for enhanced climate finance and implementation of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture priorities in Southeast Asia

Objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of countries in Southeast Asia to develop national climate finance investment programmes and projects linked to adaptation and mitigation priorities for the agriculture sectors and exchange knowledge and learning to promote innovative mechanisms for public and private sector climate finance at national and regional levels.

GCP /RAS/278/JPN : Enhancing Capacity in CODEX for Effective Participation/Contribution of selected countries in Asia

GCP /RAS/278/JPN : Enhancing Capacity in CODEX for Effective Participation/Contribution of selected countries in Asia

Objective of the project is to protect the health of the consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade.

GCP /RAS/11107P/GFF : Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program Regional Coordination and Technical Support (PPG)

GCP /RAS/11107P/GFF : Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program Regional Coordination and Technical Support (PPG)

The objective of the project is to secure globally important primary tropical forest landscapes in Thailand through integrated landscape conservation and co-management by local communities for global and local biodiversity, carbon and livelihood benefits.

GCP /INT/1052/SWE : Integrated Country Approach for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system, Phase4(ICA-4)

GCP /INT/1052/SWE : Integrated Country Approach for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system, Phase4(ICA-4)

ICA-4 project will support country stakeholders (including policymakers, market actors and youth organizations) in designing and implementing sustainable, inclusive, and scalable solutions for generating decent employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for rural young women and men in agrifood value chains, while also supporting knowledge sharing and policy dialogue at national, regional and global level.

GCP /GLO/1195/ROK : Empowering low-income countries to leverage One Health to improve food safety and fair trade

GCP /GLO/1195/ROK : Empowering low-income countries to leverage One Health to improve food safety and fair trade

Objectives of project are : to improve food safety and quality policies, programmes and activities, including food inspection and certification; strengthening food safety/quality capacities and development of standards along the value chain; monitoring/surveillance and laboratory capacities; and delivery of information, communication, education.

OSRO/RAS/901/EC : Scaling up Forecast based Financing/ Early Warning Early Action (FbF/ EWEA) and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) with innovative use of climate risk information for disaster resilience in ASEAN

OSRO/RAS/901/EC : Scaling up Forecast based Financing/ Early Warning Early Action (FbF/ EWEA) and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) with innovative use of climate risk information for disaster resilience in ASEAN

Implementation period: 2019 - 2021 

Objective: Strengthened capacity of ASEAN Member States (AMS) and regional cooperation to implement FbF/EWEA and SRSP, enabled by accelerating the use of innovative technologies in climate risk analysis and forecasting.

Implementing partners: Consortium of five UN agencies (FAO, UNICEF, WFP, UN Women and UNISDR), the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society and NGOs.

GCP/GLO/071/ROK : Smart Farming for the Future Generation in Vietnam and Uzbekistan

GCP/GLO/071/ROK : Smart Farming for the Future Generation in Vietnam and Uzbekistan

Duration : Sept 2019 - Oct 2023

Objective: The project provides support to creating an enabling environment through the development of supportive policies, capacity, organizational skills and knowledge. It covers farmers along the value chain, including the post-harvest handling and markets. The expected impact of the project is improved livelihood through higher incomes, increased employment and increased nutrition with consumers benefiting from access to affordable and safe food all year round

GCP /GLO/1019/JPN : Developing a geodatabase in support of agricultural planning

GCP /GLO/1019/JPN : Developing a geodatabase in support of agricultural planning


1. Improve existing statistical frames in pilot countries to support the preparation of farmland databases and farm registries.

2. Enhance national capacities, in pilot countries to collect farm data, inform the preparation of sub-indicators and report on SDG indicators 2.4.1.



OSRO/VIE/045/USA : Global Health Security (GHS) Project - Risk mitigation and management of health threats from animals in Vietnam

OSRO/VIE/045/USA : Global Health Security (GHS) Project - Risk mitigation and management of health threats from animals in Vietnam

The objective of the project : Strengthened animal health systems to reduce the risks and impacts of zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance, and pandemics through an inclusive One Health approach.

OSRO/RAS/404/USA: Strengthening animal health systems for biological threat reduction in Southeast Asia

OSRO/RAS/404/USA: Strengthening animal health systems for biological threat reduction in Southeast Asia

The overall aim of the project is to contribute to reducing the risks and impact of biological threats through strengthened national animal health systems in Southeast Asia, through improved epidemiological capability, strengthened laboratory networks, and enhanced strategic surveillance and early warning systems across animal health systems.

OSRO/RAS/001/ROK : Strengthen Capacity to Control African Swine Fever and other high impact TADs in Asia

OSRO/RAS/001/ROK : Strengthen Capacity to Control African Swine Fever and other high impact TADs in Asia

FAO will assist countries affected by ASF and other high impact TADs and those that are at high risk of introduction to be prepared to appropriately respond and manage any emergency situations derived from ASF risks and crises.

OSRO/GLO/113/EC : Increasing capacities and scale for Anticipatory Action including through social Protection systems

OSRO/GLO/113/EC : Increasing capacities and scale for Anticipatory Action including through social Protection systems

Increasing capacities and scale for Anticipatory Action including through Social Protection systems

FVC/GLO/221/MUL : Scaling up bioeconomy innovations for agrifood system transformation (ScalingUpBio)

FVC/GLO/221/MUL : Scaling up bioeconomy innovations for agrifood system transformation (ScalingUpBio)

Support bio-innovations that improve resource efficiency, reduce pollution and value-added production and job creation; enhance capacities of national institutions (public and private) to support bio-innovations in agrifood systems; advocate for sustainable and inclusive business models for bio-innovations through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs); and facilitate exchange of knowledge between national and global/regional bio-economy networks and empower small-scale producers, youth, women, and Indigenous Peoples entrepreneurs.

MTF /RAS/257/MUL : Biennial sessions of Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) Mandatory contributions paid by contributing contracting governments as per articles II, III, IV, XIV to the APPPC agreement

MTF /RAS/257/MUL : Biennial sessions of Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) Mandatory contributions paid by contributing contracting governments as per articles II, III, IV, XIV to the APPPC agreement

Cooperation in Plant Protection by member countries in the Region

MTF /RAS/400/EWL : Technical support to the Asia Pacific Water Scarcity Program

MTF /RAS/400/EWL : Technical support to the Asia Pacific Water Scarcity Program

The objective of the project is to tackle worsening water scarcity in Asia by developing practical capacity in routine water accounting, supporting new and evidence-based water allocation frameworks and processes, working with farmers and water managers to adapt to water scarcity, and establishing a Regional Cooperative Platform (RCP) to capture and share lessons between countries that share similar water scarcity typologies. The project also provides a mechanism that will ensure FAO, Australian and global expertise is delivered to partner countries in a coherent, synergistic, and appropriately tailored manner.

MTF /VIE/057/FBL-F : Agro-econvert: Agroecological transition and organic certification in Vietnam

MTF /VIE/057/FBL-F : Agro-econvert: Agroecological transition and organic certification in Vietnam

The project aims to improve economic resilience, environmental integrity and social well-being of smallholder farmers and rural communities by supporting farmers to produce based on agroecological principles and expanding the domestic organic sector in Viet Nam

UNJP/RAS/398/EC : Sub-components of safety across Asia for the global environment (SAFE)

UNJP/RAS/398/EC : Sub-components of safety across Asia for the global environment (SAFE)

Enhanced understanding of risks of important zoonotic disease spill-overs from wildlife to livestock and humans for improved policies and regional cooperation towards better pandemic prevention and preparedness.

UNJP/GLO/795/UNJ : Technical Assistance for REDD+

UNJP/GLO/795/UNJ : Technical Assistance for REDD+

The UN-REDD programme supports countries to reduce the likelihood of forest crime by strengthening forest and land use governance, improved governance and trade in

the LMR. Also provide advisory to Viet Nam Administration of Forestry – MARD with focus on filling gaps for Viet Nam to successfully complete the ART/TREES registration
