Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

Regional workshop on gender integration in fisheries

21/01/2020 - 23/01/2020

The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) and the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) co-organized this Regional Workshop on Gender Integration in Fisheries in Bangkok, Thailand, in January. The workshop aimed at building regional capacity and advancing policies related to gender.

The participants included the gender focal points from SEAFDEC Technical Departments and USAID Oceans, Human Welfare and Gender Equity Technical Working Group Members from SEAFDEC Member Countries, and representatives from other SEAFDEC projects.

The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific supported the regional workshop by providing two resource persons on gender-sensitive reporting and communication, as well as on gender equality in the SSF Guidelines.

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Photo from the workshop