WASAG – الشراكة العالمية بشأن ندرة المياه في الزراعة

The Government of Québec funds their fourth internship supporting WASAG

Mélissa Niravong, FAO's newest Québec-funded intern

In the face of climate change, the world urgently needs collaborative solutions related to sustainable agricultural water management and water scarcity. Hence, the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) focuses on building a global and intersectoral partnership to address the collective challenge of improving water usage in agriculture to achieve food security for all.

The Government of Québec reiterates their support to WASAG by funding their fourth intern to join the WASAG Support Team at FAO as part of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie's Programme de stages en organisations internationales gouvernementales (PSOIG). Throughout the years, they have maintained a close relationship with WASAG.

Moreover, the Government of Québec has joined forces with FAO since its establishment in the province’s capital city in October 1945. They have notably set in motion a financial and technical partnership that enabled FAO to implement the ‘Strengthening Agricultural Adaptation’ (SAGA) global project. The SAGA project results from the International Symposium on Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change organized by the Government of Québec in collaboration with FAO, that took place in September 2017. It aims to strengthen the climate change adaptation capacities of three countries – Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, and Senegal – to enhance their food security and nutrition. In short, SAGA, in a similar fashion to WASAG, has proven to be a successful collaboration between a range of partners, including FAO and the Government of Québec, to provide capacity building to adapt to climate change, and to fight hunger.

Strong partnerships focused on tackling water scarcity in agriculture are imperative to support transformative change towards sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition in a changing climate. The Government of Québec has been a leader in terms of cooperation and a key player in advancing the Framework’s agenda. Let the success of the collaborative efforts between the Government of Québec (Canada) and WASAG set example and inspire all stakeholders, particularly countries, to become partners of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG). 

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