WASAG at the 2021 World Water Week

Join WASAG held two sessions at the 2021 WWW titled 'Accelerating Food and Water Security: Role of the UNFSS' and 'Integrated drought resilience in a changing climate' from the WASAG working groups on water and nutrition and on drought preparedness. Read more.
تعاون الإطار العالمي بشأن ندرة المياه في الزراعة (WASAG) الذي استضافه قسم الأراضي والمياه في منظمة الأغذية والزراعة مع شركائه لإنشاء سلسلة من عشر ندوات عبر الإنترنت تغطي قضايا الجنسين وندرة المياه والزراعة المالحة وآليات التمويل والمياه والتغذية والكينوا والمياه إنتاجية.
تسجيلات هذه الندوات عبر الإنترنت ، بالإضافة إلى السير الذاتية...
اقرأ إستراتيجية WASAG الجديدة للأعوام 2021-2024
"Turning water scarcity into opportunities for sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition"
WASAG White Paper: Can Water Productivity Improvements Save Us From Global Water Scarcity?

The WASAG working group on Sustainable Agricultural Water Use prepared a White Paper synthesizing discussions held at a WASAG workshop titled “Can Water Productivity Improvements Save Us from Global Water Scarcity?”, on 25-26 February 2020 at CIHEAM Bari in Valenzano, Italy. Read more.

Every year, 22 March has been set aside to mark World Water Day. The 2021 edition titled “Valuing Water” will be celebrated in a virtual event globally. With agriculture being responsible for around 70 percent of water withdrawals, addressing water scarcity in agriculture – which is the core mission of WASAG...