WASAG – 全球农业缺水框架





背 景



     在2023年2月于佛得角普拉亚举行的第二届“全球农业水资源短缺框架”国际论坛上,通过 “普拉亚行动呼吁”,与会者建议:i) 邀请所有成员国成为“全球农业水资源短缺框架”的合作伙伴;ii) 将指定一个成员国担任“全球农业水资源短缺框架”的主席,从佛得角开始;iii) 粮农组织每两年在罗马总部与所有成员国举行一次关于“全球农业水资源短缺框架”的对话;iv) 每隔两年在普拉亚举行一次“全球农业水资源短缺框架”论坛,为合作伙伴和利益相关方提供空间,分享应对农业水资源短缺问题的方案和进展。 


     现提议于2024年4月29-30日在罗马粮农组织总部举办“推进‘全球农业水资源短缺框架’高级别对话 — 技术筹备会议”活动。这次技术活动将为2024年10月“世界粮食论坛”期间举行的“全球农业水资源短缺框架”高级别对话和罗马水资源对话做准备。这两项活动将巩固和扩大 “全球农业水资源短缺框架”伙伴关系,提高其知名度、投入度和影响力。

目 标

此次“推进‘全球农业水资源短缺框架’高级别对话 — 技术筹备会议”活动将有如下目标:

1. 筹备将于2024年10月“世界粮食论坛”期间举行的“全球农业水资源短缺框架”高级别对话;

2. 加强合作和动员承诺,使“全球农业水资源短缺框架”更具影响力和实效;商定“全球农业水资源短缺框架”的主要运作机制; 

3. 分享各国应对水资源短缺问题的经验和知识,以及粮农组织的相关全球和区域举措;

4. 就应对农业水资源短缺问题的优先重点提出建议,并向即将举办的世界水周和世界水论坛等与全球水资源有关的进程提出建议。


1. 为支持粮农组织《2022-2031年战略框架》的实施,建议“全球农业水资源短缺框架”在2025-2031年期间的优先重点;

2. 建议在2024年10月之前设立一个由成员领导的“全球农业水资源短缺框架”指导委员会; 

3. 分享应对农业水资源短缺问题的知识和经验; 

4. 一份《农业水资源短缺问题罗马宣言》草案,将提交“全球农业水资源短缺框架”高级别对话会议通过。


•  常驻粮农组织代表处的代表和专家。

•  区域组织的代表。 

•  其他政府间机构和国际组织的代表。

•  联合国机构的代表。

•  学术界、民间社会组织、用水户、农民协会和私营部门组织的代表。 


第一天 – 周一,2024年4月29日 (CET)

8:30–9:00 – Welcome coffee

8:30–9:00 – Welcome coffee

9:00–9:30 – Opening ceremony

9:00–9:30 – Opening ceremony

 Welcome remarks from the FAO Land and Water Division:

  • Lifeng Li, Director Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Welcome remarks from the FAO countries Representatives: 

  • H.E. Marcel Beukeboom, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to FAO
  • H.E. Bruno Archi, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Italy to FAO
  • H.E. Krisztina Bende, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to FAO
  • Elsa Barbosa Oliveira Marcelino Simões, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cabo Verde to FAO

Moderator: Lifeng Li, Director Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

    9:30–9:35 – Video on water scarcity in agriculture

    9:30–9:35 – Video on water scarcity in agriculture

    9:35–11:00 – Roundtable with experts and senior officials of the FAO Permanent Representations

    9:35–11:00 – Roundtable with experts and senior officials of the FAO Permanent Representations

    Open discussion with Countries

    Moderator: Lifeng Li, Director Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

      11:00–12:00 – WASAG operating mechanisms

      11:00–12:00 – WASAG operating mechanisms

      Welcome remarks: 

      • Felix Reinders, current Chair of WASAG Steering Committee 

      Presentation on the Plenary Assembly, Steering Committee, Technical Advisory Committee and International Forum: 

      • Jean Ruhiza Boroto, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

      Introduction to the discussion:

      • Lifeng Li, Director Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

      Discussion with countries 

      Moderator: Miguel da Moura, Secretary of Agricultural Economy, Cabo Verde

        12:00–12:30 – Break/Visit to the exhibition in the Atrium

        12:00–12:30 – Break/Visit to the exhibition in the Atrium

        12:30–13:30 – Side event on 'Saline Agriculture' organized by the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with the Dutch WASAG partners in the Sheikh Zayed Centre – Language: English - (with light lunch)

        12:30–13:30 – Side event on 'Saline Agriculture' organized by the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with the Dutch WASAG partners in the Sheikh Zayed Centre – Language: English - (with light lunch)


        • H.E. Marcel Beukeboom, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to FAO 

        Short pitch on the WASAG Saline Agriculture Working Group activities

        • Dionysia Angeliki Lyra, Halophyte Agronomist, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, ICBA 

        Knowledge dissemination example 1 - Online introduction tour through the Saline Agriculture Map: 

        • Martijn van Staveren, Programme Advisor, Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) 

        Panel discussion: from policy to practice:

        • Miguel da Moura, Secretary of Agricultural Economy, Cabo Verde
        • H.E. Bassam Rady, Permanent Representative of Egypt to FAO 
        • H.E. Ngor Ndiaye, Permanent Representative of Senegal to FAO   
        • Bas Bruning, Specialist Saline Agriculture, The Salt Doctors   

        Closing remarks - Hand over of the Salinity Magazine to FAO: 

        • H.E. Marcel Beukeboom, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to FAO 

        Moderator: Babette Bodlaender, Coalition Builder, Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP

        13:30–14:00 – Break/Visit to the exhibition in the Atrium

        13:30–14:00 – Break/Visit to the exhibition in the Atrium

        14:00–15:00 – Technical session I The Need for an impactful WASAG

        14:00–15:00 – Technical session I The Need for an impactful WASAG

        Keynote presentation by FAO on global water scarcity challenge, added-value and unique role of WASAG

        • Jean Ruhiza Boroto, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)    

        Pre-launch of the ‘Technical Guidelines for design and management of pressurized irrigation distribution systems’ 

        • Nicola Lamaddalena, Professor Emeritus, former Deputy Director, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM - Bari)

        Multi-stakeholder Panel moderated discussion: 

        • Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President of the Women for Water Partnership (WfWP), current vice-Chair of WASAG 
        • Mohsin Hafeez, Director, Water, Food and Ecosystems, International Water Management Institute – Pakistan (IWMI-Pakistan)  
        • Vinay Nangia, Research Team Leader on Soils, Waters and Agronomy, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)  

        Question and discussion

            Moderator: Chandra Madramootoo, Distinguished James McGill Professor, McGill University

              15:00–16:00 – Technical session II National experiences from WASAG Working Group on saline agriculture

              15:00–16:00 – Technical session II National experiences from WASAG Working Group on saline agriculture

              Welcome Remarks

              • Ruhiza Boroto, Senior Land and Water Officer, NSL 

              Video Promoting the Year of Saline Agriculture

              Keynote presentation on the Saline Agriculture Working Group Activities

              • Dionysia Angeliki Lyra, Halophyte Agronomist, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, ICBA 

              Video from the Trainings in Uzbekistan and Cabo Verde

              Dutch experience:

              • Arjen de Vos, Founder and Director of the Salt Doctors 

              eHALOPH and the economic uses of salt-tolerant plants: 

              • Joaquim Santos, Data Manager, University of Coimbra 

              Multi-stakeholder Panel moderated discussion Countries: 

              • Marco Arcieri, President, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, ICID 
              • Kate Negacz, Assistant Professor, IVM Vrije University of Amsterdam 
              • Judit Snethlage, Researcher, Water and food team, Wageningen University & Research
              • Countries experience Cabo Verde and Uzbekistan (Video) 

                Questions and discussion

                Closing Remarks: Ruhiza Boroto, Senior Land and Water Officer, NSL

                  16:00–17:00 – Technical session III Regional experiences in addressing water scarcity in agriculture (Near East and North Africa, and Asia and the Pacific)

                  16:00–17:00 – Technical session III Regional experiences in addressing water scarcity in agriculture (Near East and North Africa, and Asia and the Pacific)

                  Water Scarcity Initiative for the Near East and North Africa:

                  • Heba Al-Hariry, Land and Water Officer, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

                  Water Scarcity Programme for Asia and the Pacific  

                  • Caroline Turner, Water Scarcity Programme Manager, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

                  Inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS): 

                  • Heba Al-Hariry, Land and Water Officer, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO  

                    Moderator: Felix Reinders, current Chair of WASAG Steering Committee

                      17:30–19:00 – Reception on the FAO terrace (8th floor)

                      17:30–19:00 – Reception on the FAO terrace (8th floor)

                      Day 2 – Tuesday 30 April 2024 (CEST)

                      9:00–9:30 – Welcome coffee

                      9:00–9:30 – Welcome coffee

                      9:30–10:30 – Technical Session IV Priorities and operational matters

                      9:30–10:30 – Technical Session IV Priorities and operational matters

                      Report back on day 1 video


                      • Ania Grobicki, Senior Advisor, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


                      • Miguel da Moura, Secretary of Agricultural Economy, Cabo Verde 
                      • Marco Arcieri, President, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, ICID
                      • Stephane Lako, Water Youth Network, current vice-Chair of WASAG 

                      Question and discussion 

                      Moderator: Mohsin Hafeez, Director, Water, Food and Ecosystems, International Water Management Institute – Pakistan (IWMI-Pakistan) 

                        10:30–12:30 – Discussion

                        10:30–12:30 – Discussion

                        Presentation on The Rome Declaration on Water Scarcity in Agriculture 

                        • Rosaida Dolce, Environment and Water Specialist, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
                        • Jean Ruhiza Boroto, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

                        Questions and inputs from countries 

                        Moderator: Jippe Hoogeveen, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

                          12:30–13:00 – Break/Visit to the exhibition in the Atrium

                          12:30–13:00 – Break/Visit to the exhibition in the Atrium

                          13:00–14:00 – Side Event on ‘Advancing Ecosystem-based Solutions to agricultural water scarcity?’ organized by the US WASAG Partners in the Sheikh Zayed Centre - Language: English - (with light lunch)

                          13:00–14:00 – Side Event on ‘Advancing Ecosystem-based Solutions to agricultural water scarcity?’ organized by the US WASAG Partners in the Sheikh Zayed Centre - Language: English - (with light lunch)

                          Welcome Remarks: 

                          • Peter McCornick, Executive Director, Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI)


                          • Christopher Hartley, Senior Environmental Markets Analyst, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - ONLINE
                          • Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd, Director of Marketing and Social Responsibility, Co-director One World One Water Center (OWOW)
                          • Christopher M. U. Neale, Director of Research, Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI), University of Nebraska
                          • Julius Bright Ross, Employee of VISTANT, Contractor supporting the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance - ONLINE

                          Questions and discussion 

                          Moderator: Peter McCornick, Executive Director, Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI), University of Nebraska

                            14:00–14:30 – Break/ Visit to the Exhibition in the Atrium

                            14:00–14:30 – Break/ Visit to the Exhibition in the Atrium

                            14:30–16:30 – Closing ceremony

                            14:30–16:30 – Closing ceremony

                            Report back on day 1 and 2 video  

                            Summary report of technical sessions: 

                            • Jean Ruhiza Boroto, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

                            Presentation of the Draft Rome Declaration on Water Scarcity in Agriculture: 

                            • Felix Reinders, current Chair of WASAG Steering Committee

                            Closing remarks:

                            • Lifeng Li, Director Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)  

                            Moderator: Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President of the Women for Water Partnership (WfWP), current vice-Chair of WASAG


                              Note: An exhibition will be displayed in the Atrium at FAO headquarters from 29 April to 3 May 2024, to raise awareness about WASAG in dealing with water scarcity in agriculture, and to share experiences
