WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

WASAG at pre-COP26 – Importance of youth engagement for better water scarcity management in a changing climate

Youth and future generations are among the ones who will be most impacted by climate change, water scarcity, degradation and loss of ecosystems, health crisis and the resulting loss in economic productivity. As a stakeholder group, youth is well-placed in making a strategic difference by their ability to adopt innovations and to raise awareness.

We need to invest in youth as the next generation of decision makers and implementers.

FAO and WASAG have recognized the need to invest in partnership with youth groups, and has created the FAO Youth Committee and the election of a young professional serving as WASAG Vice-Chair. 

During this session, WASAG partners, governments, research institutions, youth and international organizations discussed the importance of empowering youth and how to do it in practice to address water scarcity in a changing climate, highlighting their comparative advantages, opportunities and due responsibility.

Watch the recording of the WASAG side event here.

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