WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

Webinar "Bridging financing gaps for Nationally Determined Contributions in agriculture under climate change"

The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the FAO Land and Water Division organized its fourth webinar under the title: Bridging financing gaps for Nationally Determined Contributions in agriculture under climate change.

The Finance working group of WASAG organized this webinar to share the WASAG’s Framework on Financing Mechanisms. This Framework aims to identify and support new approaches to finance water for agriculture. These approaches will inform the work undertaken in the WASAG working groups to ensure an aligned approach across WASAG projects and activities. The webinar presented the framework and a number of case studies illustrating how it can be utilized.

The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the FAO Land and Water Division organized its fourth webinar on "Bridging financing gaps for Nationally Determined Contributions in agriculture under climate change", which was held on Tuesday 9 June 2020 from [...]


Mr Pieter Waalewijn (World Bank Group) 

Pieter Waalewijn is a Senior water resources management and irrigation specialist at the World Bank. He is leading the Global Solutions Group for Water in Agriculture. 

Mr Daniel Zimmer (Climate-KIC)

Daniel Zimmer is the Director of the Sustainable Land Use theme at Climate-KIC, which he joined in 2010 as its Director for Innovation. He developed and supervised the implementation of its portfolio of innovation projects aiming to accelerate the transition to a low carbon and climate-resilient economy and society. He has a global experience on climate and water related issues spanning from engineering to geopolitics. He was for 8 years the Executive Director of the World Water Council, an international umbrella organisation of the water sector. 

Ms Audrey Nepveu (IFAD)

Technical Specialist, Water and Rural Infrastructure working at IFAD, Rome Italy

Ms Stuti Sharma (World Bank)

Water resources specialist at the World Bank where she works extensively on irrigation and innovative financing strategies for irrigation. She also represents the Global Support Group: Water for Agriculture at the World Bank on its Maximizing Finance for Development agenda. She holds an MSc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Tufts University, Massachusetts in U.S.A and a Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Delhi. She began her career with the Energy and Resources Institute, served as a Visiting Scientist at Alterra in the Netherlands, and as a transactions advisor at KPMG Advisory Services Private Limited prior to joining the World Bank.   

Ms Raffaella Zucaro (CREA)

A senior researcher at Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis (CREA), Italy

Ms Sasha KooOshima (Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO)

Sasha KooOshima has over 25 years of experience in international assistance and policy development in agriculture water and environment/natural resource management. A former Land & Water Officer at FAO, Senior Advisor/Director of US-China Clean Water Action Plan at the U.S. EPA, and Secretariat of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), she directed and managed international water programs/compacts with donors agencies; i.e., public-private-partnerships, climate resilience, multi-stakeholder and multi-jurisdictional policy engagements, blended financing/resource mobilization, and effective policy governance in sustainable water and natural resource-agriculture management. 


Moderator:       Francois Onimus (World Bank) 

15:00-15:05     The value of a WASAG working group on Financing Mechanisms - Pieter Waalewijn (World Bank)

15:05-15:15     Presentation of the WASAG Framework on Financing Mechanisms+ case study - Mr Daniel Zimmer (Climate- KIC)

15:15-15:30     Case studies illustrating the Framework:

                        Niger - Ms Audrey Nepveu De Villemarceau (IFAD)  

                        India - Ms Stuti Sharma (World Bank)

                        Italy - Ms Raffaella Zucaro (Italy Coordination Group) 

15:40-15:50      Questions and Answers

15:50-15:55      Next steps – Daniel Zimmer (Climate –KIC)

15:55-16:00      Closing – Sasha Koo-Oshima (FAO)

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