WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

Webinar "Soil and Water Management in salt affected areas: practical solutions and tools"

The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the FAO Land and Water Division organized a series of webinars in collaboration with its Partners.

The working group on “Saline Agriculture”, under the framework of WASAG, is organized a webinar titled "Soil and Water Management in salt affected areas: practical solutions and tools" to share knowledge and experience in addressing the multiple challenges related to agriculture of these zones. Aim of the Webinar was to the understand major issues and the role that tailored soil management and irrigation techniques can play in ensuring food security in such areas. The webinar brought together irrigation practitioners (researchers, Government officials, service providers) from around the world to showcase solutions and tools provided by their experience.

Some of the key aspects of the dialogue focused on global projects related to the practice of irrigation with brackish or saline waters, as well as innovative approaches and solutions in managing saline soils. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented challenging conditions push the attention on how local food production can be enhanced by utilizing low-quality water and land resources, such as in salt-affected soils.

The working group on “Saline Agriculture”, under the framework of WASAG, organized a webinar titled "Soil and water management in salt affected areas: practical solutions and tools" to share knowledge and experience in addressing the multiple challenges related to agriculture of these [...]


Dr Torkil Jønch Clausen - International Water Adviser

Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee of the World Water Week in Stockholm, Chair of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG), Chair of the Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management, and Chair of the Expert Panel for the African Water, Climate and Development Program (WACDEP-Gender by AMCOW/GWP). 

Mr Felix Britz Reinders - President, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage - ICID

He is a Professional Engineer, registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa. He is specialized in Water resources management and Irrigation engineering in the Agricultural and Civil Engineering field. His skills include research, design, training and mentoring. As Manager of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering at the Agricultural Research Council’s Agricultural Engineering group, he has had a pivotal role in the co-ordination of irrigation research, development, testing and design. 

Mr Marco Arcieri - Vice President, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage - ICID 

He is an agronomist and holds a Ph.D. on Environmental Science, Crops and Forestry systems. He has over 20 years’ experience on assessment of evapotranspiration, crop water requirements, water resources management, prevention and monitoring of drought. 

Ms Angela Moreno - President, Institut National de Recherche et Développement Agraire INIDA/MAA – Cape Verde 

She is an agronomist and holds a PhD in Biosystems Engineering - Rural Engineering, besides a Master's degree in Hydraulics and Water Resources. She has 28 years of experience in agriculture, irrigation and hydraulics, soil and water management and agrarian research. She is also author and co-author of many Scientifics publications. She is actually Chair of the Board of Directors of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD). 

Mr Tommaso Letterio - Technical Researcher, CER – Consorzio Emiliano Romagnolo

He has been working at CER since 2015, addressing the following topic: hydro-informatics, soil-water-plant-atmosphere data analysis and modelling, remote sensing and field investigation. He is an agronomist with Ph.D. on applied hydrology.

Mr Francisco Pedrero - Researcher/Scientist, Applied Biology and Soil Sciences (CEBAS) Irrigation Department. Spanish National Research Council -CSIC SPAIN 

He has been working for the last 12 years on the use of non-conventional water resources in agriculture. Agriculture Engineer and Project coordinator in CEBAS-CSIC, he has participated in more than 20 international, national and regional research projects in close collaboration with private enterprises.

Ms Zineb Bazza - GSP, FAO

Ms Zineb Bazza is a soil scientist specialised in sustainable soil management and soil fertility. She has joined the GSP Secretariat in 2017, where she is the coordinator for the African Soil Partnership and the main facilitator for activities related to sustainable soil management and also leading the work on salt-affected soils within the partnership.

Mr Ahmed Elnaggar - Soil Management Scientist - ICBA

During his career, Dr. Ahmed El-Naggar has led or been involved in many research projects to enhance the recycling and management of different types of waste. This includes nutrient management of natural resources and their optimum use in agriculture. His research focuses on biomass of organic origin as a potential sustainable source for nutrients in agricultural systems and improving soil and water as valuable natural resources.

He holds a Ph.D. in Soil Sciences and Environmental Management from the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He has published more than 20 research publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.

Mr Gergely Tóth - head of the Department of Soil Science and Environmental Informatics, University of Pannonia  and scientific advisor at the Agricultural Research Centre, Hungary

Over 25 years of experience in applied research in the areas of soil functions, land evaluation, soil threats and degradation control. He has background in soil science and agricultural chemistry (South China Agricultural University) an MSc in environmental sciences (University of Manchester) PhD in agricultural sciences (University of Pannonia) a DSc in soil evaluation (Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Co-chair of Pillar 3 (research) of the European Soil Partnership.

Ms Ana Laura Touza - FAO representative in Cabo Verde

Madame Touza, an Argentine national, holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), San José, Costa Rica. She has worked in a variety of research and coordination capacities throughout her career. Since 2017, she has served as Regional Coordinator of the PRO-ACT Resilience Project, WFP, Panama.


Moderator – Torkil Jønch Clausen, WASAG Chair

15:00-15:05    Opening remarks - Felix Britz Reinders, President ICID 

15:05-15:45    WATER

                  Irrigation management under saline conditions  - Marco Arcieri, ICID

                  Biosaline agriculture techniques: soil and water salinity in Cabo Verde – Angela Moreno, INIDA

                  Water management in land reclamation areas of southern Spain - Francisco Pedrero, CEBAS

                  Saline water management in land reclamation areas of northern Italy - Tommaso Letterio, CER


15:45-16:25 SOIL

                  International Network on Salt-Affected Soils (INSAS) and salinity mapping - Zineb Bazza, FAO

                  Show cases for managing saline soil - Ahmed El-Naggar, ICBA

                  Potentials of bio-based fertilizers in managing nutrients and soil properties in saline areas - Toth Gergely


16:25-16:30   Closing remarks - Ana Laura Touza, FAO Rep Cabo Verde

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