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28th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture - Day 2 Morning Session
The Committee on Agriculture (COAG) is one of FAO’s Governing Bodies providing overall policy and regulatory guidance on issues relating [...]
19.07.2022 09:30
28th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture - Day 1 Evening Session
The Committee on Agriculture (COAG) is one of FAO’s Governing Bodies providing overall policy and regulatory guidance on issues relating [...]
18.07.2022 17:00
CFI Talks: Marine Spatial Planning
Marine spatial planning is key to ensuring thriving and sustainable coastal fisheries: it enables the management and protection of precious [...]
18.07.2022 15:30
28th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture - Day 1 Afternoon Session
The Committee on Agriculture (COAG) is one of FAO’s Governing Bodies providing overall policy and regulatory guidance on issues relating [...]
18.07.2022 14:00
COAG28 Side Event
COAG 28 Side-Event "From COAG to COP27: Indigenous Peoples’ food systems for sustainable and resilient food systems"
Join us for a #COAG28 side-event to learn about the game-changing nature of Indigenous Peoples’ food systems, and how the [...]
18.07.2022 12:15
28th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture - Day 1 Morning Session
The Committee on Agriculture (COAG) is one of FAO’s Governing Bodies providing overall policy and regulatory guidance on issues relating [...]
18.07.2022 09:30
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 3 Evening Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
15.07.2022 18:00
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 3 Morning Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
15.07.2022 09:30
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 2 Evening Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
14.07.2022 17:00
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 2 Afternoon Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
14.07.2022 14:00
#CCP75 Side Event
CCP 75 Side event 2: How can global value chains enhance sustainable agricultural development?
This side event will provide a platform to discuss the challenges and possible solutions to ensure that global agrifood value [...]
14.07.2022 12:45
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 2 Morning Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
14.07.2022 09:30
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 1 Evening Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
13.07.2022 17:00
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 1 Afternoon Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
13.07.2022 14:00
#CCP75 Side Event
CCP 75 Side event 1: Promoting food market transparency and policy coordination. The G20 Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS)
This side event will inform Members – especially those representing countries not participating in AMIS – about the principal activities, [...]
13.07.2022 12:45
75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Day 1 Morning Session
The 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will be held in hybrid modality from 13 to 15 July [...]
13.07.2022 09:30
UNDFF Forum: Inclusive Rural Communication Services for Family Farming
As part of the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), three regional Communication for development initiatives, ComDev Asia, YenKasa Africa [...]
11.07.2022 12:00
SOFI 2022
The State of Food and Security (SOFI) 2022 Event
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World is an annual flagship report jointly prepared by FAO, IFAD, [...]
06.07.2022 16:00
Fourth NSP seminar on ”Sound Fertilization for Food Security in the context of the current crisis"
The Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is pleased [...]
06.07.2022 14:00
WEFE Nexus to increase resilience in Mediterranean food systems
This webinar will bring together stakeholders from across the Mediterranean to share practical experiences of engagement in WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem) Nexus [...]
06.07.2022 09:00
Policy Application of the Family Farming Concept (UNDFF)
The event will bring examples of family farming definitions, parameters and characteristics used at national level to develop legislation and [...]
04.07.2022 12:30
Launch of the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 (SOFIA 2022)
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) is a FAO flagship report that analyses the status and trends in fisheries and aquaculture at [...]
29.06.2022 14:15
Launch of the 2022 Edition of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook
The OECD and FAO will present their joint annual medium-term market projections for major agricultural commodities, biofuels and fish during [...]
29.06.2022 10:00
Launch of The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2022
On 28 June 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will release the report on the [...]
28.06.2022 13:00
Digitalization of breeding and seed value chains for better crop varieties in sub-Saharan Africa
The webcast aims to demonstrate the impact of digitalized data management in national programmes and private companies in delivering improved [...]
28.06.2022 13:00
RAP Digital Village Initiative Knowledge Sharing Platform
This one-day event will feature a Ministerial roundtable inaugurated by FAO Director General and will include expert roundtable and the [...]
27.06.2022 06:00
Innovative Technologies for Small-Scale Farmers
As part of the Fruit and Vegetable Small-Scale Farming Webinar Series, FAO and ISHS are hosting a webinar on Innovative [...]
21.06.2022 14:00
Regional Launch for RNE: Global Action on OCOP
The FAO Global Action on Green Development of Special Agricultural Products: One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) will see its [...]
20.06.2022 10:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 5 Evening Session
Adoption of the Report.
17.06.2022 18:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 5 Morning Session
Written Correspondence Procedure – draft conclusions onlyItem 7: Update on FAO’s Response to COVID-19: Building to transform (CL 170/7 Rev.1)Item [...]
17.06.2022 09:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 4 Evening Session
Item 18: Resumption of the Management and Administrative Review of FAO by the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations [...]
16.06.2022 17:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 4 Afternoon Session
Item 15: Governance of FAO’s statistical and other data activities and their alignment with the cross-cutting FAO policies on Protection [...]
16.06.2022 14:00
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 4 Morning Session
Item 11: Report of the 133rd Session of the Programme Committee (16-20 May 2022) (CL 170/11; CL 170/INF/6) Item 13: [...]
16.06.2022 09:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Evening Session
Item 12: Report of the 189th (17 December 2021), 190th (18 February 2022) and 191st (16-20 May 2022) Sessions of [...]
15.06.2022 17:15
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Afternoon Session
Item 10: Report of the Joint Meeting of the 133rd Session of the Programme Committee and 191st Session of the Finance [...]
15.06.2022 14:00
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Morning Session
Item 9: Reports of the Regional Conferences9.1 Report of the 32nd Session of the Regional Conference for Africa (Malabo, EquatorialGuinea, [...]
15.06.2022 09:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Evening Session
Item 8: Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative (CL 170/8)
14.06.2022 17:15
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Afternoon Session
Item 6: Impact of the Ukraine-Russia conflict on global food security and related matters under the mandate of the Food [...]
14.06.2022 14:00
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Morning Session
Item 4: FAO thematic Strategy on Climate Change (CL 170/4 Rev.1) CL 170/11 – Report of the 133rd Session of [...]
14.06.2022 09:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 1 Evening Session
Item 5 (contd’): FAO thematic Science and Innovation Strategy (CL 170/5)CL 170/11 – Report of the 133rd Session of the [...]
13.06.2022 17:10
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 1 Afternoon Session
Item 3 (contd’): Programme Implementation Report 2020-21 (C 2023/8; C 2023/8 Annexes 1-9)CL 170/10 – Report of the Joint Meeting [...]
13.06.2022 14:00
FAO Awards Ceremony
The FAO Awards ceremony will announce the winners of the FAO Champion and Partnership Award and celebrate the efforts of [...]
13.06.2022 13:30
170th session of the FAO Council - Day 1 Morning Session
Item 1 Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable (CL 170/1 Rev.1; CL 170/INF/1; CL 170/INF/3; CL 170/INF/5) Item 2 Election of [...]
13.06.2022 09:30
CFI Talks: Sustainable Mangrove Management
Millions of artisanal fishers and fish workers depend on endangered mangrove forests for their livelihoods. How can we defend these [...]
10.06.2022 15:00
Showcasing the collaboration between FAO and CEMA
FAO and CEMA are promoting their long-standing collaboration through a hybrid event hosted by FAO. FAO and CEMA will continue to [...]
09.06.2022 11:00
Urban and Peri-urban Production Systems for Improved Livelihoods
As part of the Fruit and Vegetable Small-Scale Farming Webinar Series, FAO and ISHS are hosting a webinar on urban [...]
07.06.2022 14:00
Blue Talks - Bridges to Lisbon (UN Ocean Conference Rome pre-event)
With the United Nations Ocean Conference fast approaching, the Permanent Representatives of Portugal and Kenya, benefiting from FAO’s crucial role [...]
03.06.2022 11:30
A Green and Climate-resilient Agrifood System Transformation for People and Planet
The side event at Stockholm+50 ‘A Green and Climate-resilient Agrifood System Transformation for People and Planet’ will feature multi-stakeholder discussions [...]
02.06.2022 09:30
The impact of global crises on food security: women as key agents in transforming agrifood systems
The main objective of the event is to discuss the ways to: - ensure a stronger gender lens in food systems [...]
27.05.2022 16:00
High-Level Commemoration of CFS VGGT 10-year Anniversary
CFS and FAO are jointly organizing this high-level event to assess the lessons learnt over the past ten years; remind [...]
27.05.2022 12:30