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CFS Evaluation Meeting
The objective of the meeting is to discuss the implementation of Recommendation 4 of the CFS Evaluation.
05.02.2018 09:30
CFS Evaluation Meeting
The objective of the meeting is to discuss the implementation of Recommendations 1 and 2 of the CFS Evaluation.
24.01.2018 09:30
CFS Evaluation Meeting
The objective of the meeting is to finalize the response to Recommendations 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of [...]
19.01.2018 09:30
What role can energy play in bridging the humanitarian- development divide?
Worldwide, 3 billion people live without access to clean cooking and 1 billion without electricity. Access to fuel and energy [...]
18.01.2018 14:00
What role can energy play in bridging the humanitarian- development divide?
Worldwide, 3 billion people live without access to clean cooking and 1 billion without electricity. Access to fuel and energy [...]
18.01.2018 09:00
2017 Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture Annual Forum - Day 2 Afternoon Session
GACSA Annual Forum will focus on promoting and showcasing Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) with a view to revitalizing efforts to scale [...]
13.12.2017 14:00
2017 Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture Annual Forum - Day 2 Morning Session
GACSA Annual Forum will focus on promoting and showcasing Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) with a view to revitalizing efforts to scale [...]
13.12.2017 09:00
2017 Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture Annual Forum - Day 1 Afternoon Session
GACSA Annual Forum will focus on promoting and showcasing Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) with a view to revitalizing efforts to scale [...]
12.12.2017 14:00
The Impact of Climate Change on Health
Climate change threatens our ability to achieve global food security, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development, with broad impact on [...]
12.12.2017 14:00
Innovative land and water management approaches in drylands
Combating desertification & land degradation in China
The Kubuqi Desert ecosystem restoration model is a unique approach which has developed proven solutions to desertification and land degradation [...]
12.12.2017 12:30
2017 Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture Annual Forum - Day 1 Morning Session
GACSA Annual Forum will focus on promoting and showcasing Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) with a view to revitalizing efforts to scale [...]
12.12.2017 09:00
Innovative land and water management approaches in drylands
Solutions to Water Scarcity: the experience of Israel
There is unprecedented pressure and competition for water resources. Israel one of the countries in the world that has dedicated [...]
11.12.2017 12:30
FAO Council 158th Session
End Poverty, Build Prosperity
The side-event on “End poverty, build prosperity” aims to engage member countries in a discussion on the strategies and policies [...]
07.12.2017 15:30
FAO Council 158th Session
World Food Safety Day
This side event will highlight FAO’s unique role in ensuring food safety along the food chain. Alongside the World Health [...]
07.12.2017 12:45
Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets in Europe and Central Asia - Day 2 - Afternoon Session
14:00 to 15:30 - Plenary session: Key messages from panel discussions, non-state actors session and side events 15:30 to 16:30 – [...]
05.12.2017 14:00
FAO Council 158 Session
FAO Technical Committees and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The event will be conducted in the form of a panel discussion consisting of speakers representing the Organization and the [...]
05.12.2017 13:45
FAO Council 158 Session
World Soil Day 2017, Caring for the Planet starts from the Ground
The theme for the World Soil Day celebration 2017 is “Caring for the planet starts from the ground”.   During the World [...]
05.12.2017 12:30
Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets in Europe and Central Asia - Day 2 - Morning Session
08:30 to 09:30 - Plenary session: RECAPITULATION OF DAY 1. Reports from the split sectorial-centered sessions, followed by Q&A discussion [...]
05.12.2017 08:30
FAO Council 158th Session
Migration and Food Security
Migration and food security have multiple intersects, and for this reason they must be tackled together with a holistic approach. [...]
04.12.2017 19:00
Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets in Europe and Central Asia - Day 1 - Afternoon Session
15:20 to 16:20 - Plenary session: Presentation of outcomes from the 4 parallel thematic sessions, followed by discussions, policy recommendations [...]
04.12.2017 15:20
FAO Council 158th Session
Climate Change - Outcomes of COP 23
The aim of this side event is to engage in a dialogue with Member Countries attending the 158th Session of [...]
04.12.2017 12:45
FAO Council (158th Session)
Opening of the 158th Session of the FAO Council
Opening address of the 158th Session of the FAO Council. José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture [...]
04.12.2017 09:30
Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets in Europe and Central Asia - Day 1 - Morning Session
9:00 to 9:30 - Opening session 9:30 to 11:00 - Plenary roundtable: achieving the SDGs by improving diets through transformed food [...]
04.12.2017 09:00
Technical Workshop on the Drivers and Impacts of Migration and Labor Mobility in Origins and Destinations - Afternoon Session
The drivers and impacts of migration and labor mobility in origins and destinations: Building the evidence base for policies that [...]
01.12.2017 13:30
Technical Workshop on the Drivers and Impacts of Migration and Labor Mobility in Origins and Destinations - Morning Session
The drivers and impacts of migration and labor mobility in origins and destinations: Building the evidence base for policies that [...]
01.12.2017 09:00
CFS Evaluation Meeting
This is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss recommendations 7, 11 [...]
27.11.2017 09:30
AIDmonitor Launch – a presentation of a new online tool developed by FAO that is connecting data for development solutions
This new online data tool developed by FAO is revolutionizing the way we connect data for development solutions. Using Official [...]
23.11.2017 11:00
CFS Evaluation Meeting
This is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss recommendations 7, 11 [...]
23.11.2017 09:30
Launch of the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System DAD-IS
With about 20% of the world’s local farm animal breeds currently at risk of extinction, urgent action is needed to [...]
21.11.2017 10:00
14th Annual George McGovern Lecture
The 14th Annual George McGovern Lecture is on the title “The role of trade in improving nutritional outcomes”. The George McGovern [...]
20.11.2017 10:00
Plant Health Standards and Safe Trade Facilitation
International trade has increased exponentially over the past 30 years and continues to increase.   Trade in plants and plant products [...]
16.11.2017 12:15
Asia and the Pacific Symposium: Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition
Day 2 - Plenary session 5 (afternoon)
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
11.11.2017 15:15
Asia and the Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition (...)
Day 2 - Plenary session 4 (afternoon)
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
11.11.2017 13:30
Asia and the Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition (...)
Day 2 - Parallel Session 3 - Leveraging on Agricultural Biodiversity and Innovations and Technologies for better quality diets
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
11.11.2017 09:15
Asia and the Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition (...)
Day 2 - Plenary session 3 (morning)
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
11.11.2017 08:30
Asia and the Pacific Symposium: Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition
Day 1 - Plenary session 2 (afternoon)
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
10.11.2017 16:00
Asia and the Pacific Symposium: Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition
Day 1 - Parallel Session 1 - Aligning Economic and other Regulatory Mechanisms for a Healthier Food Environment
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
10.11.2017 14:00
Asia and the Pacific Symposium: Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition
Day 1 - Parallel Session 2 - Aligning Food Demand towards Healthier Choices
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
10.11.2017 14:00
Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition
Day 1 - session 1 - Opening (morning)
The Symposium will enhance agriculture and food systems' visibility, create policy and programme options, promote sustainable diets and build partnerships [...]
10.11.2017 09:00
Towards Better Coordination of the Pulses Sector in Italy
In follow-up of the 2016 International Year of Pulses, a coordination group developed to promote research and development of pulses [...]
09.11.2017 14:00
Global Action on Antimicrobial Resistance in Food and Agriculture
Antimicrobial resistance is a global challenge that requires a global solution as all lives and livelihoods are under threat. Your [...]
08.11.2017 12:55
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) - Afternoon session
The developmental benefits of sustainable wood and the critical role that sustainable wood products play in achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
01.11.2017 14:00
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) - Morning session
The developmental benefits of sustainable wood and the critical role that sustainable wood products play in achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
01.11.2017 08:30
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) - Afternoon session
The developmental benefits of sustainable wood and the critical role that sustainable wood products play in achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
31.10.2017 15:00
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) - Side-event
The developmental benefits of sustainable wood and the critical role that sustainable wood products play in achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
31.10.2017 13:45
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) - Morning session
The developmental benefits of sustainable wood and the critical role that sustainable wood products play in achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
31.10.2017 10:00
Committee on Commodity problems (CCP)
Trade and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The event presents a unique platform for dialogue and discussion, with the following primary objectives:   - Inform and sensitize the Members [...]
24.10.2017 14:00
World Food Day - Towards Zero Hunger
The Director-General will open the event and launch the publication ‘Towards Zero Hunger’, exploring FAO’s efforts to end hunger and [...]
16.10.2017 15:30
Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development
World Food Day 2017 Ceremony
Speakers at the World Food Day Ceremony will be:   - José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General  - Pope Francis  - Hery Rajaonarimampianina; President [...]
16.10.2017 08:55
Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Day 5 Afternoon Session (...)
VIIIa Arrangements for CFS 45 - VIIIb Election of Chair, Bureau & Alternates - VIIIc Adoption of Final Report
VIIIa Arrangements for CFS 45 - VIIIb Election of Chair, Bureau & Alternates - VIIIc Adoption of Final Report   The Committee on [...]
13.10.2017 15:00