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Land and Water Days: reviewing integrative approaches
"Joining forces for lasting impacts” is the last session of the Land and Water Days 2015.   A summary of what has [...]
12.11.2015 16:30
Land and Water Days: reviewing integrative approaches
"Fostering adaptive natural resources management to cope with risks and climate change"   This plenary session will present climate smart agriculture (what [...]
12.11.2015 08:30
Land and Water Days: reviewing integrative approaches
"Sustainable agriculture for ecosystem services: what's in it for farmers and how to support the transition?"   How can farmers be supported [...]
11.11.2015 10:30
Land and Water Days: reviewing integrative approaches
“Down to earth: Finding our way through a mosaic of integrative approaches”   Managing agriculture, forestry and fisheries at a landscape scale [...]
11.11.2015 08:30
International Year of Pulses (IYP) 2016 Launching Ceremony
Following resolution 6/2013 of the 38th FAO Conference, the UN General Assembly, at its 68th session declared 2016 as the [...]
10.11.2015 11:00
Land and Water Days: Plenary session II
"Linking land and water governance across scales and disciplines"   The plenary session will cover two topics of eminent importance in the [...]
10.11.2015 10:30
Land and Water Days Opening
The Land and Water Days are jointly convened by FAO, IFAD and WFP as part of efforts aimed at reaching [...]
10.11.2015 09:00
Land and Water Days: FAO Town Hall Meeting
Water, land and the 2030 Agenda - gearing up for the challenge   This event will be an opportunity to exchange on [...]
09.11.2015 10:30
Address by Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on agriculture in upcoming WTO negotiations
The Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Roberto Azevêdo, is addressing country representatives, UN staff and media on the agriculture-related [...]
02.11.2015 11:00
The challenges of the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ in the year of the post-2015 Agenda
Opening remarks: José Graziano Da Silva, Director-General   This FAO Dialogue will discuss the importance of the Pope's Encyclical Letter in relation to the [...]
26.10.2015 15:15
World Food Day 2015 Ceremony at Expo Milan
The 35th observance of World Food Day commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the founding of FAO, and is celebrated at [...]
16.10.2015 11:45
CFS 42: Election of Chair, Bureau and Adoption of Final Report
The new CFS Chair, Bureau and Alternates is elected, the arrangements for the 2016 Session of CFS are decided and [...]
15.10.2015 15:30
CFS Special Event: Youth for Food Security and Nutrition (#Y4FSN), and Resilience
9.30 – 11.30 Developing the knowledge, skills, and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition. Raising awareness of the [...]
15.10.2015 09:30
“Water governance in the Near East and North Africa: A policy debate on tenure, equity and gender”
A hands-on debate on approaches and policy options that can contribute towards redressing persisting inequalities in access to water resources [...]
14.10.2015 18:00
CFS 42: CFS and its role in advancing nutrition. Water for Food Security and Nutrition Policy - Wrap up
14.30 - 16.00 Coordination and linkages. CFS and its Role in Advancing Nutrition. What contributions can CFS make to nutrition folowing the [...]
14.10.2015 14:30
CFS 42: National multi-stakeholder approaches and experiences to improve nutrition; Monitoring & Programme of Work
Coordination and linkages  9.30 – 11.00Keynote speaker: Mary Mubi, Senior Principal Director in the Office of the President and Cabinet, Zimbabwe. [...]
14.10.2015 09:30
How to reconcile Climate change and Food Security? The run up to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference
Our capacity to feed 9.5 billion people in 2050 and achieve the right to food for all in the context [...]
13.10.2015 18:00
CFS 42: Enhancing regional food supply systems and processes to improve nutrition. Endoresement of FFA
14.30 - 16.00 Coordination and linkages Keynote speaker: Marc van Ameringen, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)Theme: Enhancing regional [...]
13.10.2015 14:30
Launch of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA 2015) report. Press conference
The State of Food and Agriculture 2015 focuses on the role of social protection in fighting poverty and hunger through [...]
13.10.2015 12:00
CFS 42: Food Security and Nutrition in the Post 2015. Keynote speech: Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland
Coordination and linkages 9.30 – 11.00Keynote speaker: Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland; President, Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate JusticeTheme: Food [...]
13.10.2015 09:30
CFS 42: Youth Incubator, Youth for Food Security and Nutrition
Ten youth from all around the world have been invited to CFS to pitch their idea/initiative which engages youth in [...]
12.10.2015 17:30
CFS 42: Water for Food Security and Nutrition Policy - Roundtable
An inclusive and evidence-based debate, with the objective of adopting policy recommendations that are addressed to all stakeholders on matters [...]
12.10.2015 14:30
Committee on World Food Security 42 (CFS) opening session
After organizational matters, the CFS Chair makes opening remarks followed by statements by the Heads of FAO, IFAD, WFP and the [...]
12.10.2015 09:30
Closing Session of the Governing Body ITPGRFA
The closing ceremony of the Sixth Session of the Governing Body is followed by the adoption of its report summarizing [...]
09.10.2015 15:15
Launch of the publication "State food provisioning as social protection - Debating India’s national food security law"
This book, authored by Harsh Mander, provides an overview of the most important debates which transpired during the development and [...]
07.10.2015 10:00
Global information system on plant genetic resources
The event is organized to present the new proposed vision of the Global Information System on Plant Genetic Resources for [...]
05.10.2015 12:30
Opening - Sixth Session of the Governing Body ITPGRFA
The Opening Ceremony of the Sixth Session of the Governing Body will gather representatives from Contracting Parties and observers from [...]
05.10.2015 10:00
Farmers’ Rights Under the International Treaty
  This Special Event is being organized on the occasion of the 6th Session of the Governing Body of the International [...]
03.10.2015 12:00
Outcomes of the Working Group on the Multilateral System
The information event is organized on the occasion of the Sixth Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty [...]
03.10.2015 10:00
Farmageddon - The True Cost of Cheap Meat
FAO Livestock Technical Network: first meeting of the series “Meet Our Partners”. Presentation by Philip Lymbery, CEO of Compassion in World Farming. Farmageddon, a book [...]
30.09.2015 15:00
Mainstreaming gender in the African Region
H.E. Honourable Baleka Mbete, current Speaker of the Parliament of South Africa and former Deputy President of the Republic of [...]
23.09.2015 10:00
Briefing on the Syria Crisis to Member Countries
The meeting will be an opportunity to inform Member Countries on the findings of the recent Crop and Food Security [...]
31.07.2015 10:00
New UN report on investments needed to achieve Zero Hunger
On 10 July 2015 the three Rome-based UN food agencies – the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [...]
10.07.2015 10:30
CFS High-level forum on connecting smallholders to market (afternoon session)
The Forum brings together a wide range of stakeholders who have experience of the issues, challenges and ways to improve [...]
25.06.2015 14:00
CFS High-level forum on connecting smallholders to market (morning session)
The Forum brings together a wide range of stakeholders who have experience of the issues, challenges and ways to improve [...]
25.06.2015 09:30
FAO Conference: Saturday morning, Closing session
Speeches by Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico and Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia
13.06.2015 10:30
Side event: Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture: The Way Forward
Following the launch of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA) on 23 September 2014 at the UN Secretary-General Climate [...]
12.06.2015 13:00
FAO Conference: Speech by Queen Letizia of Spain
The Queen of Spain addresses the FAO Conference and is named FAO Special Ambassador for Nutrition.
12.06.2015 12:15
FAO Conference: Friday, morning session
Plenary session.
12.06.2015 09:30
FAO Conference: Thursday, afternoon session
Review of the State of Food and Agriculture (cont'd). Country statements.
11.06.2015 14:30
Side event: Asia and the Pacific’s Regional Rice Initiative
Representatives from Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Philippines talk about regional efforts to make rice farming more productive, [...]
11.06.2015 13:00
Side event: Appointment of Special Ambassadors for the IYS2015 and Open Discussion
After several months of consultation, FAO has selected two Special Ambassadors for the International Year of Soils. The two ambassadors [...]
10.06.2015 17:00
Side event: Family Farming and Rural Territorial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Representatives from Argentina, Guatemala and Saint Vincent and Grenadines discuss regional efforts to reduce poverty and food insecurity by promoting [...]
10.06.2015 13:30
Side event: Direction for Food Value Chain Development in Africa -Agricultural Development through TICAD Process -
The side event, co-organized by Japan, FAO and the African Group of Permanent Representatives to FAO, aims to share experiences [...]
10.06.2015 12:30
FAO Conference: Wednesday, morning session
Review of the State of Food and Agriculture (cont'd). Country statements. Proposed theme for the General Debate: "Breaking the Cycle of [...]
10.06.2015 09:30
FAO Conference: Tuesday, afternoon session
Review of the State of Food and Agriculture (cont'd). Country statements. Proposed theme for the General Debate: "Breaking the Cycle of [...]
09.06.2015 14:30
Side event: Near East and North Africa’s Water Scarcity Initiative
Representatives from Egypt, the League of Arab States, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and [...]
09.06.2015 13:30
Side event: Building Resilience in Africa’s Drylands
Representatives from Chad, the European Union, Kenya, Zimbabwe and the Interstates Committee for Drought Control on the Sahel discuss regional [...]
09.06.2015 12:30
FAO Conference: Tuesday, morning session
Review of the State of Food and Agriculture (cont'd). Country statements. Proposed theme for the General Debate: "Breaking the Cycle of [...]
09.06.2015 09:30
FAO Conference: Monday, afternoon session
Review of the State of Food and Agriculture (cont'd). Country statements. Proposed theme for the General Debate: "Breaking the Cycle of [...]
08.06.2015 14:30