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CFS one-off Open Ended Working Group on Connecting Smallholders to Markets -Thursday morning session
The objective of the one-off OEWG is to agree upon a set of recommendations on connecting smallholders to markets. OEWG [...]
09.06.2016 09:30
CFS one-off Open Ended Working Group on Connecting Smallholders to Markets -Wednesday afternoon session
The objective of the one-off OEWG is to agree upon a set of recommendations on connecting smallholders to markets. OEWG [...]
08.06.2016 14:30
World Day Against Child Labour
Nearly 60% of child labour worldwide takes place in agriculture, affecting 98 million girls and boys, and hindering agricultural and [...]
08.06.2016 11:00
CFS one-off Open Ended Working Group on Connecting Smallholders to Markets -Wednesday morning session
The objective of the one-off OEWG is to agree upon a set of recommendations on connecting smallholders to markets. OEWG [...]
08.06.2016 09:30
Greening Food Value Chains: Lessons from Ireland and Kenya
The greening of food value chains is a vital strategy in the achievement of food security and the response to [...]
31.05.2016 13:00
International Year of Pulses (IYP) FAO Special Ambassador nomination ceremony
As part of the celebrations of the International Year of Pulses 2016, FAO organises an event with the participation of [...]
26.05.2016 11:30
Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management - Wednesday afternoon session
FAO convenes a "Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management" on 23-25 May [...]
25.05.2016 15:30
Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management - Wednesday morning session
FAO convenes a "Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management" on 23-25 May [...]
25.05.2016 08:30
Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management - Tuesday afternoon session
FAO convenes a "Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management" on 23-25 May [...]
24.05.2016 15:30
Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management - Tuesday morning session
 FAO convenes a "Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management" on 23-25 May [...]
24.05.2016 08:30
Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management - Monday afternoon session
FAO convenes a "Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management" on 23-25 May [...]
23.05.2016 13:30
Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management - Monday morning session
FAO convenes a "Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management" on 23-25 May [...]
23.05.2016 08:30
Cerimonia di Premiazione “Le Nazioni Unite per la pace”
Alla presenza dei ministri Stefania Giannini e Roberta Pinotti, la Cerimonia premia gli studenti vincitori del concorso “Nazioni Unite per [...]
19.05.2016 14:50
Plant health standards and food security
 Limiting or preventing the introduction and spread of pests that harm plants is crucial to ensuring stable availability of and [...]
13.05.2016 12:30
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Closing of the Conference
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)  FRIDAY, 13 May 2016 Closing of the Conference, 11:00 Remarks and Closing of the Conference.    
13.05.2016 11:30
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Side Event: Food Security, Stability and Peace: The Role of FAO
The side event Food Security, Stability and Peace: The Role of FAO  highlights the important linkages in FAO's work between [...]
12.05.2016 12:30
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Ministerial Meeting
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)   THURSDAY, 12 May 2016 Ministerial Meeting Inaugural Ceremony, 09:00 Inaugural Ceremony of the 33rd FAO [...]
12.05.2016 09:00
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Side Event: Building an effective Regional Dialogue on Food Security and Nutrition in the Near East and North Africa Region
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)   Opening remarks will be given by CFS Chair, Amira Gornass, followed by presentations [...]
11.05.2016 14:00
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Side Event: On the road to Marrakech/COP22
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)   A presentation on the Road to Marakech/COP22. The keynote speaker is Secrétaire Général [...]
11.05.2016 11:00
FAO-Nobel Laureates for Food Security and Peace
Welcoming remarks: Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development, FAO.   Key Note Address: José Graziano da Silva, Director-General, FAO.   Nobel Peace Laureates addresses:  • [...]
11.05.2016 10:00
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Side Event: Planting the seeds of sustainability; from production to consumption in the Near East and North Africa region
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)   This side event is co-organized by SP2 and CIHEAM. Among other high-level speakers, [...]
11.05.2016 09:00
Social Business for Zero Hunger
Social Business  for Zero Hunger  is a call to action by Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus to address the global [...]
10.05.2016 09:30
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Senior Officers Meeting (afternoon session)
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)   Monday 9 May, 16.30   Discussion on:Small-scale Farmers and Women Empowerment in the Near East and North [...]
09.05.2016 14:30
33rd FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
NERC 33 - Opening of the Senior Officers Meeting (morning session)
FAO REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE NEAR EAST (more info)   Opening of the Senior Officers Meeting (morning session), 12:00 Opening and discussion on: Livestock [...]
09.05.2016 12:00
30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe
30th ERC - Press conference
Press conference
06.05.2016 15:00
30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe
30th ERC - Closing and report adoption
Closing and report adoption.
06.05.2016 13:10
30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe
30th ERC - Thursday afternoon session
MYPOW, ECA Report, EIFAAC Report, EFC Report, Information Notes & Any Other Business.  
05.05.2016 13:00
30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe
30th ERC - Thursday morning session
Priorities for FAO’s work in the region. The trends, development objectives and challenges of the region will be presented.
05.05.2016 08:30
PAA Africa International Seminar
Strengthening local food systems for inclusive growth: Scaling up “Purchase from Africans for Africa” - Wednesday afternoon session
The Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA Africa) International Seminar will present African countries’ priorities on linking pro family farming [...]
04.05.2016 14:00
30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe
30th ERC - Wednesday afternoon session
A Ministerial Roundtable will discuss the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their implications for agriculture and rural development in the region, [...]
04.05.2016 13:00
30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe
30th ERC - Inauguration Ceremony
The session is open to all FAO Members from the Europe and Central Asia region, representatives of UN bodies and [...]
04.05.2016 10:00
PAA Africa International Seminar
Strengthening local food systems for inclusive growth: Scaling up “Purchase from Africans for Africa” - Wednesday morning session
The Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA Africa) International Seminar will present African countries’ priorities on linking pro family farming [...]
04.05.2016 09:00
PAA Africa International Seminar
Strengthening local food systems for inclusive growth: Scaling up “Purchase from Africans for Africa” - Tuesday afternoon session
The Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA Africa) International Seminar will present African countries’ priorities on linking pro family farming [...]
03.05.2016 14:00
PAA Africa International Seminar:
Strengthening local food systems for inclusive growth: Scaling up "Purchase from Africans for Africa" - Tuesday morning session
The Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA Africa) International Seminar will present African countries’ priorities on linking pro family farming [...]
03.05.2016 09:00
Committee on World Food Security
Open-Ended Working Group Meeting on Nutrition
The objective of this meeting is to discuss and approve the revised proposal prepared by the CFS Secretariat with inputs [...]
29.04.2016 09:30
Committee on World Food Security
Informal Consultation on Connecting Smallholders to Markets
The informal consultation is an opportunity to exchange views regarding the Zero Draft of recommendations on Connecting Smallholders to Markets [...]
28.04.2016 09:30
Committee on World Food Security
Third OEWG on Sustainable Development Goals
At its 42nd Session, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) endorsed the creation of an Open Ended Working Group [...]
27.04.2016 14:30
Soils and pulses: symbiosis for life
The event will focus on the reciprocal relationship between soils and pulses, while also discussing how the cultivation of pulses [...]
19.04.2016 09:30
FAO and Google join forces to strengthen the role of technology for sustainable development
Google Maps and FAO have agreed to work closely together to make geospatial tracking and mapping products more accessible, providing [...]
15.04.2016 10:00
CPM-11. Pest risks and sea containers
Sea containers may carry interior and exterior contamination. With international trade expanding, the threat of pests of plants, including invasive [...]
07.04.2016 15:00
CPM-11. Plant Health and technology in the 21st Century (Part 2)
Different innovative technologies for detecting pests will be presented during this session, including the use of trained dogs. The Kansas State [...]
07.04.2016 13:00
CPM-11. Engaging countries on international standards
The Online Commenting System (OCS) has been used by IPPC Contracting Parties to gather, submit and compile comments on the [...]
06.04.2016 18:30
CPM-11. Plant Health and technology in the 21st Century (Part-1)
Various web interfaces and applications to support the usage, sharing, and capturing of identification-related pest information will be highlighted during [...]
06.04.2016 13:00
CPM-11. Invasive ants: implications for agriculture
Invasive ants are well known globally for their severe environmental, social and economic impact. The issue of invasive ants is [...]
05.04.2016 18:30
CPM-11. Xylella fastidiosa in the Euro-Mediterranean area
In 2013 a new strain of X. fastidiosa sub. pauca was found in the South of Italy - a first [...]
04.04.2016 17:30
CPM-11. Opening session. Contributing to food security and trade facilitation
The governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) - the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) - meets in [...]
04.04.2016 14:00
International Day of Forests 2016: Special Event
José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of FAO, will open a special event at FAO Headquarters celebrating the 2016 International Day [...]
21.03.2016 12:00
El Niño: Impacts and Priorities for Action (afternoon session)
Jointly organized by the FAO, the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP) – and [...]
17.03.2016 13:30
El Niño: Impacts and Priorities for Action (morning session)
Jointly organized by the FAO, the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP) – and [...]
17.03.2016 09:00
Biotechnologies Symposium. Closing Plenary Session
Reporting of outcomes from the three parallel sessions dedicated to the Climate change theme, by Olivier Le Gall, Institut National [...]
17.02.2016 12:30