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Title Date Starting Time
First official World Soil Day celebration and Launch of International Year of Soils 2015
The General Assembly of the United Nations in December 2013 designated 5 December as World Soil Day (WSD) and declared [...]
05.12.2014 12:45
A Territorial Approach to Food Security and Nutrition and Rural Poverty Reduction
Side Event organized by FAO's Social Protection Division (ESP) and the SO Team for Reducing Rural Poverty (SO3) The [...]
04.12.2014 13:00
Social Progress through Land Development: Lessons from Malaysia’s FELDA
Purpose of this side event: To discuss the relevance of and lessons from FELDA and other land development arrangements for [...]
03.12.2014 13:00
FAO in support of the Global Health Security Agenda
The side event will provide a forum for discussion of how FAO can contribute to the Global Health Security Agenda. [...]
02.12.2014 13:00
Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture: The experience from Rwanda
This side event will present current efforts and achievements by FAO and the Government of Rwanda towards building and implementing [...]
01.12.2014 13:00
Awards Ceremony Recognizing Outstanding Progress in Fighting Hunger
Brazil, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Iran, Kiribati, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Philippines and Uruguay are the latest in a growing [...]
30.11.2014 15:00
National Coordinators Workshop 2014 (session V)
The Global National Coordinator Workshop’s main objective is to facilitate exchange among National Coordinators on experiences gained in [...]
25.11.2014 13:15
National Coordinators Workshop 2014 (session IV)
The Global National Coordinator Workshop’s main objective is to facilitate exchange among National Coordinators on experiences gained in [...]
25.11.2014 09:00
National Coordinators Workshop 2014 (session III)
The Global National Coordinator Workshop’s main objective is to facilitate exchange among National Coordinators on experiences gained in [...]
24.11.2014 14:00
National Coordinators Workshop 2014 (sess. I and II)
The Global National Coordinator Workshop’s main objective is to facilitate exchange among National Coordinators on experiences gained in [...]
24.11.2014 09:00
ICN2: Plenary session (4/4)
Statements by Ministers, Special Guests and Heads of Delegations. Closing speech by the Director-General of FAO, José Graziano da Silva [...]
21.11.2014 09:00
ICN2 Side-event: Addressing Overweight and Obesity
Addressing Overweight and Obesity
20.11.2014 18:30
ICN2 Side-event: Global Nutrition Report and Global Hunger Index
Global Nutrition Report and Global Hunger Index
20.11.2014 18:30
ICN2 Side-event: Zero Hunger Challenge and South-South Cooperation
The UN at Expo Milano 2015 & South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean
20.11.2014 18:00
ICN2: Roundtable 3: Governance and Accountability for Nutrition
Panel 2: Nutrition Accountability, keynote address by Lawrence HADDAD, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute
20.11.2014 16:00
ICN2: Plenary session (3/4)
Statements by Ministers, Special Guests and other Heads of Delegations
20.11.2014 14:30
ICN2: Roundtable 3: Governance and Accountability for Nutrition
Panel 1: Nutrition Governance, keynotre address by Shawn K. BAKER, Director of Nutrition, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [...]
20.11.2014 14:30
ICN2 Side-event: Targets and Accountability for Nutrition
Targets and Accountability for Nutrition and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
20.11.2014 13:00
ICN2 Side-event: Healthy Children, Growing Societies
The UN Nutrition networks’ support to countries’ reduction efforts
20.11.2014 13:00
ICN2 Side-event: Agricultural Policies and Food Systems for Improved Nutrition
Enhancing the Impact of Agricultural and Food Policies on Nutrition
20.11.2014 13:00
ICN2 Roundtable 2: Improving Policy Coherence for Nutrition. Panel 3
Panel 3 : Nutrition in all sectors, keynote address by Pekka PUSKA, Professor, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland [...]
20.11.2014 11:30
ICN 2 : Papal visit to FAO and WHO Staff
Papal visit to FAO and WHO Staff
20.11.2014 11:22
ICN2: Plenary session (2/4)
Statements by Ministers, Address by His Holiness the Pope
20.11.2014 09:00
ICN2 Roundtable 2 : Improving Policy Coherence for Nutrition. Panel 2
Panel 2: Policy coherence for nutrition - sensitive agriculture , keynote address by Marie RUEL, Director, Poverty, Health and Nutrition [...]
20.11.2014 09:00
ICN2 Roundtable 2: Improving Policy Coherence for Nutrition
Panel 1: Coherence between economic policies and healthy changes in diets, keynote address by Corinna HAWKES, Head of Policy and [...]
19.11.2014 16:00
ICN2: Press Conference. FAO and WHO
Press conference by the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), José Graziano da Silva, [...]
19.11.2014 15:30
ICN 2: Plenary session (1/4)
Statements by Ministers, Special Guests and other Heads of Delegations
19.11.2014 14:30
ICN 2 Roundtable 1 : Nutrition in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
with a keynote address by Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute/Colombia University.
19.11.2014 14:30
ICN 2 Side-event: SUN Movement and Accountability for Nutrition
- Report on the 2014 Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Global Gathering -Strengthening the Accountability Framework for Nutrition: Supporting Partner Countries [...]
19.11.2014 13:00
ICN2 Side-event: Social Protection, Food Security and Nutrition
- Transition from Safety Net Programs to Comprehensive Social Protection Systems: Food Security and Nutrition Perspective - Launch of the Expanded [...]
19.11.2014 13:00
ICN2 Side-event: Food Safety: a right or a privilege?
Why food safety is an essential element of food and nutrition security
19.11.2014 13:00
ICN2: Inaugural Ceremony and Opening of the Conference
- Address by a High-Level Representative of the Republic of Italy - Address by the Secretary-General of the United Nations - [...]
19.11.2014 09:00
"Communication to Inspire Change: Dialogue on Nutrition"
Event focusing on nutrition issues in G77 countries. Opening remarks by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General and the President [...]
30.10.2014 15:00
The Global Dialogue on Family Farming - Part II
The event will reflect on the major activities of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), building upon the six [...]
28.10.2014 09:00
The Global Dialogue on Family Farming - Part I
The event will reflect on the major activities of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), building upon the six [...]
27.10.2014 09:00
Dialogues on Nutrition. Communication to Inspire Change: BRICS
After the first successful dialogue led by the US, this event is focusing on nutrition issues in BRICS countries. It [...]
22.10.2014 15:00
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) -18-lunchtime
The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems. There will also be policy [...]
18.10.2014 12:30
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) -17-PM
Afternoon session - The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems. There will [...]
17.10.2014 14:30
Family Farming Interventions to close the gender gap: Lessons from Africa
A panel of high-level experts, from governments, civil society, private sector and academia, will share their stories and experiences in [...]
17.10.2014 12:30
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - 17-AM
Morning session - The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems. There will [...]
17.10.2014 09:30
Committee on World Food Security (CFS)-16-PM
Afternoon session - The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems.There will [...]
16.10.2014 14:30
Launch of the 2014 State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA)
This SOFA report focuses this year on innovation in family farming. The report which will be presented by FAO Director-General [...]
16.10.2014 11:45
World Food Day 2014 ceremony
The 2014 World Food Day theme Family Farming: "Feeding the world, caring for the earth" focuses on the significant role [...]
16.10.2014 10:00
Feeding the global family: Does climate change put us all at risk?
Considering that the world faces increasing population pressure in the next few decades - with an expected global population of [...]
15.10.2014 15:00
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) -15 PM
Afternoon session - The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems.There will [...]
15.10.2014 14:30
Annual McGovern Lecture
15 October- The US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome presents the 11th Annual George McGovern Lecture - [...]
15.10.2014 12:30
Committee on World Food Security (CFS)-15 AM
Morning session - Statement of the Premier of the People's Republic of China. The CFS is expected to adopt the [...]
15.10.2014 10:00
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - 14 PM
Afternoon session -The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems.There will also [...]
14.10.2014 14:30
Dialogues on Nutrition. Communication to Inspire Change: US
First "Dialogue on Nutrition" from a U.S perspective, led by Dr. Nancy Stetson, United States Special Representative for Global Food [...]
14.10.2014 14:30
Committee on World Food Security (CFS )- 14 AM
Morning session -The CFS is expected to adopt the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems.There will also [...]
14.10.2014 09:30