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Title Date Starting Time
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Adoption of the Report - Day 1
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
12.12.2022 12:00
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 5 Adoption of the report
Adoption of the Report
09.12.2022 14:30
International Mountain Day 2022: High-level event: Women move mountains
Women move mountains” is the theme of this year's IMD. This event will feature high level interventions, a video and [...]
09.12.2022 12:30
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 4 Evening Session
Written Correspondence Procedure – draft conclusions only Item 4: Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative (CL 171/4) Item 12: Progress Report on Rome-based [...]
08.12.2022 17:00
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 4 Afternoon Session
Item 18: World Food Programme: 18.1 Election of six Members of the WFP Executive Board (CL 171/15.1; CL 171/LIM/4) Item 19: Strategic [...]
08.12.2022 14:00
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 4 Morning Session
Item 15: Code of Conduct for Voting (no document) CL 171/10 – Report of the 117th Session of the Committee on [...]
08.12.2022 09:30
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Evening Session
Item 10: Report of the 117th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (24-26 October 2022) (CL 171/10) Item [...]
07.12.2022 17:00
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Afternoon Session
Item 9 (cont’d): Reports of the 192nd (1-3 June 2022), 193rd (27-28 October 2022) and 194th (7-11 November 2022) Sessions [...]
07.12.2022 14:00
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Morning Session
Item 8: Report of the 134th Session of the Programme Committee (7-11 November 2022) (CL 171/8; CL 171/INF/6) Item 9: Reports [...]
07.12.2022 09:30
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Evening Session
Item 7: Report of the Joint Meeting of the 134th Session of the Programme Committee and 194th Session of the [...]
06.12.2022 17:00
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Afternoon Session
Item 6 (cont’d) Technical Committees: 6.1 Report of the 75th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (13-15 July 2022) (C [...]
06.12.2022 14:00
Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Millets 2023
The Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Millets (IYM) 2023 hosted by FAO aims to raise awareness and create [...]
06.12.2022 12:30
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Morning Session
Item 5: Integrated water resources management for food security and climate resilience (CL 171/6) CL 171/7 – Report of the Joint [...]
06.12.2022 09:30
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 1 Evening Session
Item 3 (cont’d) Update on FAO’s work on the global food crisis (CL 171/3)
05.12.2022 17:10
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 1 Afternoon Session
Item 3 (cont’d): Update on FAO’s work on the global food crisis (CL 171/3)
05.12.2022 14:00
World Soil Day Celebration “Soils: Where food begins”
World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of [...]
05.12.2022 12:20
171st Session of the FAO Council - Day 1 Morning Session
Item 1: Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable (CL 171/1; CL 171/INF/1; CL 171/INF/3; CL 171/INF/5) Item 2: Election of three [...]
05.12.2022 09:30
Launch of the corporate report "The future of Food and agriculture – Drivers and triggers for transformation"
The event aims at launching the corporate report The future of Food and agriculture – Drivers and triggers for transformation. [...]
02.12.2022 13:00
Rome Water Dialogue - Afternoon Session
The Rome Water Dialogue is a special event organized by the FAO Land and Water Division, on the road to [...]
29.11.2022 14:00
Rome Water Dialogue - Morning Session
The Rome Water Dialogue is a special event organized by the FAO Land and Water Division, on the road to [...]
29.11.2022 09:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 5 Afternoon Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
25.11.2022 15:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 5 Morning Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
25.11.2022 10:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 4 Afternoon Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
24.11.2022 15:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 4 Morning Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
24.11.2022 10:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 3 Afternoon Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
23.11.2022 15:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 3 Morning Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
23.11.2022 10:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 2 Afternoon Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
22.11.2022 15:00
Joint NSP-NSA Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) Webinar
NSP and NSA jointly propose to organize a webinar to update partners and stakeholders on the current developments/results of the [...]
22.11.2022 14:30
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 2 Morning Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
22.11.2022 10:00
CFI Talks: Private sector engagement
The private sector can play a catalytic role in making and keeping coastal fisheries productive and sustainable for the benefit [...]
21.11.2022 15:30
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 1 Afternoon Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
21.11.2022 15:00
World Fisheries Day: Investing in social protection to secure equitable Blue Transformation in the fisheries sector
As the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture draws to a close, this year’s World Fisheries Day is an [...]
21.11.2022 12:00
45th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - Day 1 Morning Session
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards to protect everyone [...]
21.11.2022 10:00
Launch of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform
The AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform launch will take the form of a facilitated interactive session. It will be divided into [...]
18.11.2022 13:00
Global Workshop on Digital Sequence Information and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
“Digital sequence information” (“DSI”) plays a fundamental role in environmental and biological research, contributing to understanding of the molecular basis [...]
15.11.2022 12:30
Global Workshop on Digital Sequence Information and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
“Digital sequence information” (“DSI”) plays a fundamental role in environmental and biological research, contributing to understanding of the molecular basis [...]
14.11.2022 12:30
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Plenary Session 4 High-level Ministerial Segment and Closing
High-Level Ministerial Segment - 5 Ministers from 5 FAO Regions: Nigeria (Africa), Thailand (Asia Pacific), Türkiye (Europe and Central Asia), Mexico (Latin America and the Caribbean), and USA (North [...]
04.11.2022 14:00
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Plenary Session 3
Reports on Thematic Sessions and Conference Recommendations- Introduction- 7 Presentations from 7 Thematic Sessions- 1 Presentation on conference recommendation- Discussion [...]
04.11.2022 11:00
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Thematic Session 7
Thematic Session 7: Farmers and Enabling Environment Hashtag: #PlantProduction
04.11.2022 09:00
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Thematic Sessions 5.1 and 5.2
Thematic Session 5: Integrated Pest ManagementSession 5.1: Challenges in plant pests and diseases Thematic Session 5: Integrated Pest ManagementSession 5.2: Solutions [...]
03.11.2022 14:00
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Thematic Sessions 6.1 and 6.2
Thematic Session 6: Mechanization and DigitalizationSession 6.1: Smart mechanization Thematic Session 6: Mechanization and DigitalizationSession 6.2: Digital agriculture Hashtag: #PlantProduction
03.11.2022 14:00
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Thematic Sessions 3.1 and 3.2
Thematic Session 3: Protected Cropping SystemsSession 3.1: Optimizing production efficiencies Thematic Session 3: Protected Cropping SystemsSession 3.2: Transforming urban horticulture Hashtag: #PlantProduction [...]
03.11.2022 09:00
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Thematic Sessions 4.1 and 4.2
Thematic Session 4: Natural Resource ManagementSession 4.1: Maximizing resource use efficiency Thematic Session 4: Natural Resource ManagementSession 4.2: Ecosystem approaches to [...]
03.11.2022 09:00
Launch of FAO Flagship State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2022
This event presents the 2022 Report on The State of Food and Agriculture. This year the topic is “Leveraging automation [...]
02.11.2022 12:30
FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production - Plenary Sessions 1 - 2
Opening Keynote Address Section AA.1 Agrifood system transformation (Martin Kropff)A.2 Resilience and climate change (Anna Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez)A.3 Seeds-related topic (Michael [...]
02.11.2022 09:30
WFF2022 Closing Ceremony
The closing ceremony of the 2022 World Food Forum will celebrate the achievements and outcomes of the week, while also [...]
21.10.2022 14:00
Enhancing resilience in marginal agricultural areas: Can Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) play a meaningful role?
Marginal agricultural areas are estimated to comprise about 1.8 billon hectares, globally, making up 15 percent of the agricultural land [...]
21.10.2022 11:00
Digitalization of agrifood systems
New digital capabilities have transformational effect and enormous potential to positively affect agricultural and food markets through the world. The [...]
21.10.2022 11:00
Leveling the Playing Field: Eliminating inequalities in accessing STI across value chains
Smallholder farmers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), particularly those headed by women, face huge challenges in accessing appropriate scientific [...]
21.10.2022 09:00
Gene editing for sustainable agriculture
Gene-editing technologies represent a promising new tool for plant and animal breeding in low- and middle-income countries. They enhance precision [...]
21.10.2022 09:00