Biotechnologies Symposium. Side event. Helping farmers grow: Climate change, food security and the technology nexus

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Organizers: (1) CropLife International, Belgium and (2) the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, Texas A&M University, United States of America


Moderator: Howard Minigh, President and CEO, CropLife International



Julie Borlaug, Associate Director for External Relations, Norman E. Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, Texas A&M University.

Sir Gordon Conway, Director of Agriculture for Impact and Professor of International Development, Imperial College London.

Catherine Swoboda, Director of Planning, World Food Prize.

Nicola Cenacchi, Research Analyst, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


Topics: Agriculture & crops,Biotechnology
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