International Day of Forests 2016: Special Event

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of FAO, will open a special event at FAO Headquarters celebrating the 2016 International Day of Forests. The theme, Forests and Water, highlights the crucial role of forests in contributing to water and food security. 


Presentations will cover the importance of forests for water security and supply, with examples from the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Morocco. FAO’s new Forest and Water Programme, which focuses on forests as a solution for improving water and food security, will also be presented.



12.00 Screening of the International Day of Forests video: Forests and Water

12.05 Opening address by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General

12.15 Keynote address on Forests and Water Security by Abdeladim Lhafi, High Commissioner for Water, Forests and Desertification Control, Kingdom of Morocco

12.25 Keynote address on Forests and Water by Ivan Valentik, Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment, Head of the Federal Forestry Agency, Russian Federation

12.35 Presentation of Forests and Water at FAO by René Castro, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department

12.45 Forests and Water in Practice by Bernadete Neves, Natural Resources Officer, Land and Water Division

12.50 Floor open for discussion

12.55 Closing remarks by Daniel Gustafson, Deputy Director-General (Operations)


Topics: Director-General,Forestry,Water & Irrigation
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