CPM-11. Plant Health and technology in the 21st Century (Part-1)

Iran Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Various web interfaces and applications to support the usage, sharing, and capturing of identification-related pest information will be highlighted during this session.


The United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Protection and Quarantine Program will present technologically-based, pest identification products. Australian Plant Biosecurity Co-operative Research Centre will demonstrate software applications and databases that they developed for social networking, Remote Microscopy and virtual pest collections.



To follow and participate in the demonstrations, please download the lucid mobile App for identifying grasshoppers:



iPhone and iPadshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/grasshoppers-westernus/id1040336093?mt=8

Internet versionhttp://idtools.org/id/grasshoppers


Topics: Meeting,Plant & animal genetic diversity,Plants
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17:30 Rome time
17:30 Rome time