FAO and Google join forces to strengthen the role of technology for sustainable development

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Google Maps and FAO have agreed to work closely together to make geospatial tracking and mapping products more accessible, providing a high-technology assist to countries tackling climate change and much greater capacity to experts developing forest and land-use policies.


Moderator, Enrique Yeves, Director, Office for Corporate Communication, FAO.


10.00 – 10.10: Opening remarks 
José Graziano da Silva, Director-General, FAO


10.10 – 10.20: Global Impact Projects led by Google Earth Outreach
Rebecca Moore, Director, Google Earth, Earth Engine & Earth Outreach


10.20 – 10.35: Google Earth Engine Overview and Case Studies
David Thau, Developer Relations, Google Earth Engine & Google Earth Outreach


10.35 – 10.50: Google Earth Outreach Projects using Other Technologies
Brian Sullivan, Program Manager, Google Ocean & Earth Outreach


10.50 – 11.00: Improving Forest Monitoring Capacities in Developing Countries
Danilo Mollicone, Forestry Officer, FAO


11.00 – 11.10: Controlling Desert Locusts Outbreaks through Google Earth Engine
Keith Cressman, Senior Agricultural Officer, FAO


11.10 – 11.25: Questions & Answers


11.25 – 11.30: Final Remarks
René Castro Salazar, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department, FAO



Topics: Director-General,Forestry,Press conference
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