"Learning in the Modern Workplace" by Ms. Jane Hart, Founder of the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies (C4LPT)

Iraq Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Key note address from Ms Jane Hart, Founder of the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies (C4LPT), within the framework of the 2016 Learn4dev Annual Meeting (FAO Headquarters, 15-17 June 2016).


In line with the theme of this year’s Learn4dev Annual Meeting  “Innovations in Learning and Learning Technology”, the keynote addressese upon areas such as:


-emerging approaches in learning (current trends that may become mainstream in the future)

-how do organisations design and guide social learning experiences (and how do these result in more effective results compared to other approaches)

-are there criteria based on which several ‘new’ technologies should be combined and integrated in order to become mutually reinforcing

-new skills that personnel should acquire (or possess) to be an effective lifelong learner. 


Learn4dev is an international joint competence development network established in 2003 with more than 25 organisations involved in learning for development. Further information on the Learn4dev network can be obtained by searching the website www.learn4dev.net


Topics: Education & capacity building
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