National forest monitoring systems for REDD+ reporting

Iraq Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

The workshop will gather experts from the twenty focus countries of the IKI-funded project on "National forest monitoring and information systems" in addition to other staff from countries where Collect Earth was successfully applied and countries that are expected to be included in the next phase of the project.

The objective is to provide guidance on land use and forest monitoring aimed to achieve a Greenhouse Gas inventory, wrap-up and share past and current applications with Collect Earth and plan future activities at country and regional level.


Monday morning session

Workshop and agenda presentation. Danilo Mollicone/Giulio Marchi

Opening address. Lauren Flejzor, Programme Coordinator, Forestry Department, FAO. 

Brief introduction to the International Climate Initiative (IKI): project context, objective, and outcomes. International Climate Initiative of the German Ministry of Environment, BMUB.

Updates on Paris agreement and new reporting requirements for Non-Annex I Parties for particular reference to land use related activities. Karen Ortega. Programme Officer, UNFCCC.


Support to forest and land use monitoring under UNFCCC: Open Foris and the capacity development perspective. Danilo Mollicone. Forestry Officer and Project Lead Technical Officer, Forestry Department, FAO


New development of TerraAmazon. Lúbia Vinhas. Chief of Image Processing Division, National Institute for Space Research of Brazil, INPE


Current status and future development of Collect Earth. Giulio Marchi. Geospatial Forestry Officer, Forestry Department, FAO


Papua New Guinea: Collect Earth case study. Elizabeth Kaidong. PNG Forest Authority, Papua New Guinea


Topics: Forestry
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